Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Bits and Pieces (Pre Thanksgiving Edition)

Tree Lighting date set
The holiday tree will be located once again at the Oro Valley marketplace. The lighting ceremony is December 2 at 6 PM. There is also an all day holiday festival taking place that day.

Community Center Milestones 
In October, the Community and Recreation Center (CRC) achieved a record-breaking membership with over 3,200 currently registered members. This is a 51% increase from the prior year, adding 1,077 members. Situated at the heart of our town, the CRC stands as a cornerstone of our community, and this substantial growth underscores the growing enthusiasm of the town’s community's amenity and recreation programs. (Town Manager November Report To Council)

Town upgrades 911 system … adds automatic call back feature
In October, the town upgraded its 911 system. The upgrade introduces a major new feature: Automatic Abandoned Callback (AAC). AAC is designed to call back abandoned 911 calls, providing response prompts. Yes. The majority of abandoned 911 calls are accidental. Still, there is a portion of these calls that originate from individuals in urgent need of emergency assistance. (Town Manager November Report To Council)

Treat the “Yellow Signs” kindly

Property owners, applicants, and/or developers are required to submit applications to the Oro Valley Planning and Zoning Staff for proposed land development (e.g., General Plan Amendment, Rezoning, Conditional Use Permit, Grading exception) changes The Town is then required to publicly announce all hearings related to the proposed development. Prominent yellow signs are installed on the property to inform residents about upcoming public meetings. 

These signs contain details about the proposed changes, meeting date/location, and the website/contact information for residents seeking additional details. They serve as a visual prompt for residents to engage and gather information about the proposed developments in their community. Unfortunately, some yellow signs have been defaced, knocked down, or blown over by the wind. To report damaged or fallen signs, please call 520-229-4800.

Town focuses on identifying short term rental registrations... issues violation notices
The following are short-term rental (STR) statistics through October:
  • There are 341 STR rental unit listings as of 10/30/23, down from 348 listings the prior month.
  • September: 67.5% of STRs are single family units, 31.3% are multifamily units, and 1.2% are unknown type. 
  • October: 68.8% of STRs are single family units, 29.9% are multifamily units, and 1.3% are unknown type. 
  • 2-3 bedroom rentals constitute 41% and 35.1% of all rental listings, respectively. 
  • Of the single family units, approximately 96.% include the entire home as the rental unit.
Town staff assesses STR registrations monthly, initiating a review process at the start of each month to detect any registrations that remain outstanding. Staff issues a violation notice once it has identified a non-registered STR. (Town Manager November Report To Council)