Friday, June 16, 2023

Bits and Pieces

Steam Pump Ranch Bunk House and Barbecue done in July
The town reports that construction on the bunkhouses and the barbecue are coming along schedule and should be completed by July 29. There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony at 10:00 am on July 18. (Source: Oro Valley Historical Society Newsletter)

“Jimkrieghite” will put Oro Valley “on the map”
Council Member Joyce. Jones-Ivey noted at last week’s town council meeting that a new mineral has been discovered in the Catalina Mountains. It has been named for Jim Kreigh, Oro Valley’s founder. The mineral was found by long-time resident and town volunteer Warren Lazar. University of Arizona geologists determined that that mineral only exist in the Catalinas. It was likely formed from a lightening strike. Major announcements are forthcoming. The mineral is on display at the Geology Museum at the University.

Former Council Member Parisi supports OVCN Sports Facility…misses the point
Former Town Council Member Paul Parisi supports the massive sports facility the Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene wants to build. Speaking at last week’s town council meeting, Parisi stated that growth is inevitable and that residents have always opposed it. He noted that residents did not want the town to build Riverfront Park when he was on council (at the beginning of the century). Parisi also said that he respects the rights of property holders. The OVCN property is not zoned for a sports facility. OVCN is free to use it is currently zoned. No one objects to that.

Free document shredding Saturday
“The Town of Oro Valley will once again hold a free document shredding event for Oro Valley residents on Saturday, June 17. The event will be held at the Oro Valley Marketplace” (Source: Town of Oro Valley Media Relase)