"The Town of Oro Valley, in partnership with AARP, will hold a free document shredding event for Oro Valley residents on Saturday, November 19 at the Oro Valley Marketplace (12155 N. Oracle Road), from 8 a.m. to noon or until trucks are full.
Residents can bring up to five medium-sized boxes that will be shredded on-site. Shredding confidential documents helps fight identity theft. For questions related to this event, please contact Constituent Services Coordinator Jessica Hynd at jhynd@orovalleyaz.gov or 520-229-4711. (Source: Town of Oro Valley Media Release)
Oro Valley website economic development web site wins award from Arizona Association for Economic Development
ORO VALLEY, Ariz. (Nov. 14, 2022) – The Town of Oro Valley is pleased to announce that its new economic development website, chooseorovalley.com, was recently awarded a Golden Prospector award from the Arizona Association for Economic Development. The Golden Prospector awards were established to encourage and recognize excellence in economic development. (Source: Town of Oro Valley Media Release)
Vistoso Trails initial site cleanup including weed, invasive grasses and dead tree removal, trail accessibility and restoring restrooms to working condition is in the constuction pahse Significant work is required to ensure public safety and access. Through October, the Town has spent $130,067 (37% of budget) and is expecting to complete the project on budget ($350,000 from the Community Center Fund) at this time. The project has experienced delays due to pest infestation and an increased scope of work. (Source: 22-11-15 Town of Oro Valley Budget and and Finance Commission meeting)
Westward Look Drive Improvements entering procurement phase. . . budget overrun expected
As part of the Westward Look annexation, the town agreed to reconstruct Westward Look Drive from Ina Road to Vista Oest. This includes removing and replacing extruded curb, adjusting manholes and water valve covers. The budget for this project is $539,625 (General Fund. Through October, the Town has spent $50,107 (9% of budget)
The design for this project is complete and the project is currently in the procurement phase. "The construction contract was awarded to Sunland Asphalt Company; however, at the request of the Westward Look Resort management and due to other title issues, construction has been significantly delayed. Due to the delay, the Town must now go out to bid again, which is expected to be higher than the original bid and exceed the budget by approximately $150,000." (Source: 22-11-15 Town of Oro Valley Budget and and Finance Commisssion meeting)