Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Yet Another Request To Increase Housing Density Near Safeway

Yet more homes requested near Safeway
There was a neighborhood meeting last night in Oro Valley Town Council Chambers regarding a general plan amendment which would change the land designation for yet more property located near Safeway in Rancho Vistoso. 

Located near the Avilla Homes project and Big Wash
This property is located to the east of the Avilla homes east project which we have discussed. The Avilla project is just north of Safeway and will drive a substantial number of tiny homes into the community if it’s approved. This latest request is to change the land designation from school/cultural zoning to medium density residential zoning.  It is also a General Plan Amendment request.

56 single family homes
If approved, the change will allow for 56 single-family residential homes built next to Big Wash. It will drive more traffic into what is already a very congested traffic area of Tangerine Road and Rancho Vistoso Blvd.

This the the second time this land will be rezoned, if approved. The first time was in 2009, when it was changed to school use in anticipation of Amphi School District building on the property. Now the owner wants to change it back.

Another Paradigm Land Design project
The project is yet another represented by Paul Oland of Paradigm Land Design. Oland is involved in the Avilla projects. Our estimate is that Oland has almost single-handedly changed Oro Valley by representing a very high percentage of requested general plan and zoning changes. And, by our last check, he doesn't even live in Oro Valley. 

Formal submittal will follow meeting
The applicant will submit a formal request after this first neighborhood meeting. Learn more about the project here.   
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