Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Mike Zinkin: "Budget For Our Future.. Bring Reclaimed Water To All Town Parks and Courses"

Below is the speech that Mike Zinkin addressed to the Town Council during the April 6th Call to the Audience.
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Each of you had an agenda when you ran for office. The common theme was, “I want to help my community grow and prosper.” Some of you favor golf, some of you favor tennis or splash pads or hiking trails and biking trails. Some of you want to assist the children, some want to assist the seniors. Some of you favor development, etc.

Now is the budget season and, as a prior member of the Council, I know that staff is asking you about your spending priorities. Let me request that all of you do something, not only for the entire town, regardless of age, but for the future residents. Do something for your grandchildren and do something for those who are yet to be born.

Budget funds to pipe reclaimed water to Riverfront and Jim Kriegh Parks and the Pusch Ridge golf course.

I have researched this issue and have the numbers given to me by your staff. Pusch Ridge Golf course uses 30% more potable water than Riverfront and Jim Kriegh Parks combined. This is drinking water, not CAP water, not reclaimed water, but well water, drinking water.

According to a recent communication that I received from the Town, it will cost $8 million to pipe reclaimed water to all three of those entities. Once Jim Kriegh is on reclaimed water, it would not cost much to have the Amphi School District take CDO High School off of potable/drinking water as well.

This expenditure can be your legacy. This is something not only for now, but for the future. Put “tomorrow” in your budget. Put “we” in your budget.

Fund for the future. Fund to stop using potable/drinking water on Town-owned properties.