Thursday, April 7, 2022

DeSimone: Oro Valley Is A Town of "OK"

Not a "Town of Excellence" when it comes to maintaining Naranja Park
The Town of Oro Valley calls itself a "Town Of Excellence." Oro Valley resident Chris DeSimone disagrees. It a "Town of OK".

DeSimone is host of the weekday morning show: Wake Up Tucson. He expressed this view in his remarks to council in March.  He reemphasized it at last night's Oro Valley Town Council meeting.

In March, DeSimone pointed to what he termed “the poor conditions of the fields at Naranja Park” after use on a holiday weekend. At that time, Mayor Winfield directed the town manager to look into it. She responded with a three-page memo that explains this and other matters.

DeSimone read portions of that response at last night's meeting.

Town Manager Jacobs: "The playing fields at Naranja Park are not in the condition we would like them to be"
In the memo, Jacobs identified two reasons why the Naranja Park fields are not in good condition at all times: First, “Naranja [Park] fields are over used... The condition of the turf is largely a function of overuse and lack of down time for remedial work.” The fields were overused because they were fully booked on the holiday weekend to which DeSimone referred. It is the town that does the booking.

Second, the fields are difficult to maintain. They are difficult to maintain because they are built on a sand substrate. When the turf is punched through, the sand comes up. (See panel right)

Jacobs: Problem of overuse will be solved with two new fields
According to Jacobs, the problem will be solved with the addition of the two new fields that are being built at the park.  

We fail to understand the logic of this because these fields will be also be sand substate based. In addition, the added fields will also bring added visitors, which is what the town has stated it wants to do to drive economic activity.  More fields=more use= more visitors.

Two  staff were assigned to maintain all town parks facilities on a "fully booked" weekend
DeSimone also complained about garbage that was left on the field after the holiday weekend. According to Jacobs, that “weekend was a very busy weekend for Naranja Park and Oro Valley as a whole. Every sports field throughout our Parks and Recreation system was booked.” Two staff were on duty to maintain all of the towns facilities over that weekend. Despite that, “we were unable to address all facilities and events to the standards we expect.”

Jacobs offers no solution other than saying that our towns are parks are very popular.

The solution, of course, is to schedule less use of our parks on those very busy weekends or to employ the staff needed to maintain the fields in busy times.

New fields and high standards means more cost
The town of Oro Valley has embarked on a plan to substantially increase its Naranja Park sports facilities. The town is spending millions to build new fields. The Naranja Park fields and the Naranja Park facility will need to be maintained at a very high level to meet Oro Valley's historically high standards. This will come at high cost.
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