Friday, February 25, 2022

Bits and Pieces

What’s ahead for the Vistoso Preserve
”The Conservation Fund will hold the property until July 1, 2022.  They will provide some limited maintenance for the property until that time and can provide you with the scope of work. “The Town will open and maintain the restrooms beginning July 1, 2022 and will focus on addressing various public safety concerns in the short term.  We will involve the community in developing a plan for the property that conforms to the conservation easement sometime next fiscal year.” (source: Email from Mayor Winfield).

Friends of Pusch Ridge Ridge Golf: Why we care about water
"Climate change. Droughts. Changing weather patterns. Infrastructure needs. Bigger bills.   Water is a controversial topic, especially in dry climates like the Sonoran Desert. Yet our website includes water-related articles and we may from time to time share other information regarding water use.  

You might ask why? Friends of Pusch Ridge Golf is not a conservation group, we don’t have a political agenda, and we are not water experts.  Simply put, we are supporters of the Pusch Ridge Golf course, and as supporters we recognize that our “Fast, Fun, Affordable” golf course requires a certain amount of water.   Our job is to do our best to ensure that PRGC remains the thriving, valued town amenity and commercial enterprise it has proven to be - nothing more, nothing less." 

View their August 2021 article on Water Conservation here  and their  February 2022 article title “Water is Vital to Economic Vitality” here.  (Source: Friends of Pusch Ridge Golf, February 16 Newsletter)

2022-23 Budget process starts... Staff compensation will be one focus area
"Departments are fully engaged in the budget development process for next fiscal year, and my team and I are carefully reviewing local, regional and state data for trends that will impact revenues and expenditures." The town hired a consultant to perform a staff compensation study. The result of the study will be included in the budget. (Source: Town Manager's Executive Report To Council, February 2022). 

The last compensation study the town performed in 2014 resulted in significant across the board staff compensation increases, the creation of self-funded insurance, and an on site health and wellness clinic (Source).

2021 Popular Annual Report is available
Want to know what's going on financially with the town but don't want to dig through the traditional annual report? Then the Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021 is just for you!

"Each year, the Town of Oro Valley produces an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), which outlines the Town's financial position and operating activities, and includes audited financial statements; however, due to its length and scope, the ACFR is not very reader-friendly. In order to make the Town's financial information more accessible to the public, Oro Valley began producing the award-winning PAFR in 2012. The PAFR includes a summary of accomplishments, net assets, activities, revenues, expenditures, debt and financial ratings and a snapshot of historical trends in these areas. To view the PAFR online, click here or search for PAFR at" (Source: Oro Valley Vista, March 2022)