Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Big Dollar Contributions Have Power Because Money Buys Access and Special Consideration

Rodman and Solomon votes "follow the money"
In the two years they served with Hiremath and his majority, Council Member Solomon voted lockstep to approve every developer request. Rodman voted to approve all but one request, a request to rezone a property that we believe is near his home.

Instances in which they voted in favor of contributors.
November 16, 2016
At their first council meeting in office voted to approve blading of the Silverhawke property. This property was owned by the Kai Family, one of their contributors.

March 15, 2017
In March of 2017, Solomon and Rodman approved the PAD rezoning that allowed major campaign contributor Diamond Venture' Self Storage facility at Steam Pump Village.

May 16, 2018
Rodman and Solomon voted to approve rezoning of land owned by the Kai Family. This involved approximately 199-acres located west of La Cholla, between Lambert Lane and Naranja Drive; and 8.2-acres located on the northwest corner of LaCholla and Naranja Drive.  Their vote in favor of this rezoning is particularly noteworthy because Solomon and Rodman allowed multiple concept plans for each of the parcels within the PAD. The owner only needs to have further town review if they want to switch to a different concept that was approved in this bundle of plans.

On November 20, 2014, while on the Planning and Zoning Commission, Rodman approved the general plan amendment that allowed this master planned community.

Rodman and Solomon supported the construction of high density residential homes on top of Big Wash
December 6, 2017
Solomon and Rodman voted to approve General plan Amendments to allow residential housing to be built in in Rancho Vistoso Neighborhood 5. This land is on top of Big Wash. While on the Planning and Zoning Commission, Rodman had voted to amend the general plan to approve this land use change.
The "Big Wash" Project

Will the "beat go on"?
June of 2020
As a lasting thank you, we notice that Rodman and Solomon 2020 Campaign signs are posted in front of the Silverhawke Sanctuary property at the intersection of First Avenue and Lambert Lane.  This, at a time, when council is to consider a general plan amendment to add more residential land to Silverhawke, a Kai sponsored General Plan Amendment.  

Unseemly but not illegal
There is nothing illegal about taking a campaign contribution from a contributor and then voting in favor of their requests. It just feels unseemly.

Apparently, the voters agreed in 2018.

Tired of seeing all those yellow signs announcing possible land use changes and knowing the likely outcome if Hiremath remained in power, they decided it was time for a change. They replaced Mayor Hiremath and his majority with four resident centric council members: Mayor Winfield, Vice Mayor Barrett and council Members Jones-Ivey and Nicolson.

Perhaps they will consider the same when it comes to the reelection of Rodman and Solomon.