Please note that all three posting present what the individual said. They are presented without LOVE comment.
No plan to purchase Vistoso Golf Course
This statement was a response to a question created by town staff as a summary question from residents.
The question: Why doesn't the town purchase the Vistoso Golf property as a public park?
The response: “At this point, we do not anticipate acquisition of additional facilities. We need to address buildout and maintenance of existing facilities first."
Rancho Vistoso's parks and recreation facilities are dictated by the Rancho Vistoso PAD
Diaz-Trahan read section 1.1.A of the Rancho Vistoso PAD. That section states that Rancho Vistoso “ envisioned as a totally self-sufficient community, including residential uses of all types, neighborhood and community shopping and retail, schools, parks, churches, natural open space, a resort hotel, town center, and adult community and office park.”
Vistoso Community web site says there are numerous areas for community enjoyment
She also referenced the Vistoso Community web site. That site states that "There are numerous natural areas throughout the Rancho Vistoso community for the enjoyment of all residents. A system of nature paths traverses the community north to south. Our major thoroughfares include bike-ways to encourage non-motorized modes of transportation. There are 11 parks in Rancho Vistoso, including 10 neighborhood parks that are owned by the Vistoso Community Association (VCA) and maintained with our assessments."
She noted that one of these parks, Honey Bee Canyon, is owned by the Town of Oro Valley; and that there is a new "large" park (see above) that will be coming online. That will double the number of parks in Rancho Vistoso that are owned and maintained by the Town of Oro Valley parks in Rancho Vistoso to two.
Parks and Recreation master plan is being prepared
The Oro Valley Parks and Recreation plan is in the process of update. Diaz-Trahan expects to present the first phase of this plan to the Oro Valley Town Council on May 20.
Grant question not answered
One of the questions that residents asked was what the town has done or could do to obtain grants to purchase the land. The video did not include a response to that question.