Two proposed general plan amendments begin their march to town council for December consideration.
One amendment (Case #2000844) would convert the Vistoso Golf Course from golf course/recreational use to high and medium density residential use. The development plan includes a senior care facility.
The other amendment (case #2000882) would enable development of a senior care facility, multi-family residential or townhomes on the Kai Property, south of Tangerine and East of First Ave. The property abuts and will be part of the Silverhawk Development on on First, north of Palisades.
"Online" introduces a new process for soliciting resident input
The town Planning and Zoning Administrator created a process to get resident input so that the town can move these amendments forward during our time of social distancing. The process is unique in a time of uniqueness. Many residents believe that this process is not a legitimate, legal substitute for the town's requirement that a general plan amendment undergo one neighborhood meeting before its April 30 filing deadline. As we reported yesterday, their plea that the town delay the amendment filing until things return to normal was rejected.
The process of commenting and timing are identical for both proposed amendments
The process and the timing for soliciting resident input are identical for both proposed general plan amendments:
- Today
The town posted an applicant informational video each proposed amendment. You can find it the case link page above. The video includes a presentation from Town staff regarding key background information on the property, town review criteria and opportunities for public participation throughout the process, followed by a presentation by the applicant to go into more detail regarding the "what and why" of their proposal. - Today through April 23
Residents are encouraged to provide questions and comments on the project of interest to The town will post all questions and comments on the project web page we have provided in the link above. The public can view these throughout the process. Residents can also call Jessica Hynd at 520-229-4711 with their comments or questions. - April 30
A second video with town staff and the applicant will be posted. This video will address the most common and frequent questions received. - April 30
If the applicant chooses to move forward with the application, the town will accept it as a valid general plan amendment filing . This step was not posted by the town. We believe it is true based on the town's filing requirement. - May 21
The town will host a a web-based, fully interactive
The "normal process' resumes in August
The town hopes to resume the normal general plan amendment vetting process of two in person neighborhood meetings. One will be in August. The other will be in September. The meetings will be web based if social distancing is still required.
Two Planning and Zoning Commission public hearings will be held in October and November. "Public testimony is encouraged during the public hearing. The Planning and Zoning Commission may take action by voting to send a formal recommendation to Town Council."
The town council will hear the amendments in December. Town Council may vote to approve, deny or continue the application.