The "Air Conroller" Guy
Walking at Riverfront Park, we talked with a resident whom we had seen at Kreigh Park. Among other things, she told us that she was excited about the new council. "I really like that air controller guy." That guy is Josh Nicolson, one of the four new members of the Oro Valley town council.
Josh and his Chandler high school sweetheart, Dana and their 2 daughters (7 and 10) moved to Oro Valley six years ago. "We had a birthday party here. We drove down LaCanada north of Ina and we said: 'Holy cow. This is beautiful. Large lot sizes." Two years later, they were residents.
ATC by happenstance
Josh found his way into air traffic control by happenstance. He earned an internship with a major airline after completing course work at the University of North Dakota. He was a professional pilot from 2005-2007. The pilots with whom he spoke assured
him that he would have a better family life if went into air traffic control (ATC). Convinced, he found his way to ATC at Tucson International Airport after working with ATC in Houston, one of America's busiest skyways.
High energy
Josh is a high energy person. His drive to be involved is why he joined his HOA board. Now, he will direct his energy to Oro Valley's council. "I have already begun reducing my volunteer activities and my extra involvement. It will be a slow transition as I want the new people to be able to carry on with excellence."
"When any issue comes up, I try to do my own research." You can't really do a good job "...unless you really know something." Part of doing his homework is making sure he listens. "I try and surround myself with people who are smarter people than me, treat them well and let them show me how valuable they are to whatever team/organization/business I'm working on."
Enjoys his family time
" I like to sit in our swing chair and look at the mountains during the sunset with my kids, my wife my dog... read a book, play some classical guitar, I like 'Greensleeves' , meditate, and ride my mountain bike."
Family matters to Josh. "I'm most proud of my parents, who really went the extra mile to make sure I had a fun great childhood, yet forced me to keep my nose to the grindstone and work hard in school...brought me up with the North Dakota ethics of how to treat people, I wouldn't be the person I am today without them. "
Pay it forward
"I know now I was very blessed to have this great advantage and I know not all people have this privilege, so I feel a great need to give back to people less fortunate and hopefully will have more opportunity to do so during my life time."