Town Manager Jacobs issues a monthly to council. The report is now available on line. The following "items in quote" are from the November report.
Jacobs to hear your thoughts on traffic control at Moore and LaCanada
"The Town Engineer and the internal Traffic Safety Committee are recommending to me [Jacobs] that the Town install a roundabout rather than a traffic signal at the intersection of Moore and La Canada. Since there was significant interest in the intersection at a neighborhood meeting held earlier this year, I will hold a final neighborhood meeting on Monday, December 3 to personally listen to issues and concerns prior to making a decision." The budget for this project is $1million.
Strategic Planning in store for council and executive leadership team
"The Town received eight responses from firms interested in providing strategic planning services to the new Council and Executive Leadership Team. The proposals are under review and we anticipate awarding a contract to the selected firm later this month."
Economic development creation plan in progress
"The CED Director is working with the Town Manager to finalize an Economic Development Strategy outlining specific strategies and tactics on how to retain, expand and attract new primary and service sector investment and job creation in Oro Valley. The finalized report will be forwarded to the Town Council in the near future."
Community Center getting facelift
"The Community Center lobby will have a facelift in November. New carpet and front desk reconfiguration will result in improved aesthetics, improved customer service flow and improved staff security and safety. Minor disruptions on Nov 20-21, but members will be notified well in advance"
Overlook restaurant still in business
"The Overlook restaurant will continue to facilitate the very popular Family Fish Fry, Second Saturday, Date Night and Third Thursday Pasta and Pizza. New fall hours went into effect on October 1. The Overlook will serve lunch daily from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The annual Thanksgiving Holiday Buffet will be served on Thursday, November 22, from 1-5 p.m."