A few months ago, LOVE was made aware that Councilmember Solomon (through his development company, Canada Vistas LLC) had purchased property along the golf courses in Canada Hills on which he plans to build condominiums and/or townhomes. This means that he now has a financial interest in what happens to those golf courses.
We held off on reporting on this while we waited to see how Solomon would proceed when it came time to vote on FY 2018/19 budget; a budget that included $3.8 million dollars to be directed to improvements on the golf courses…golf courses adjacent to his new property.
Would Solomon do the honorable thing and recuse himself from any votes involving taxpayer money being directed towards the golf courses? Or would he speak in favor of the bond, and then vote in favor of the budget that included the $3.8 million for the golf course improvements?
During the June 6, 2018 budget vote, Solomon gave us the answer we’d been expecting. Solomon’s unethical behavior and possible conflict of interest were exposed by Mike Zinkin during last night’s council meeting during the Call to Audience. Below is Mike’s speech:
Mike Zinkin’s Call to Audience Speech
On May 16, 2018 I came before you regarding a rude communication between one of your Councilmen and a resident of the community. I requested that you require said Councilman to apologize. You failed to do so, sending a message to the citizens that you find his appalling behavior acceptable.
Tonight I come forward with an issue that is potentially illegal, and certainly unethical.
On his required financial disclosure statement, Councilman Solomon states that he and his wife control a business called Canada Vistas LLC. (Statement attached). On January 4, 2018, Mr. Solomon communicated with the controlling HOA of Canada Hills informing them of his purchase of property on the Canada Course and his desire to meet with both the Master HOA and the sub-HOA’s to discuss design and approval requirements. (Email attached).
On January 26, 2018, there was a communication confirming that this property was in escrow and it also mentioned development possibilities. (Email attached.)
On June 29, 2018, Mr. Solomon replied to a question that he indeed still owned the property and that it was in the early stages of development. (Email attached.)
Here’s where it gets interesting. A few weeks prior to the June 29th communication previously mentioned, at the June 6, 2018 Council meeting, during the FY 2018/19 budget discussions, Mr. Solomon spoke on the benefits of a bond, a bond that designated $3.8 million dollars to go towards improvements on the golf properties. The very same properties in which this Councilman has a financial interest. Mr. Solomon not only spoke in favor of this bond, he also voted in favor of the budget that included the subject bond.
Mr. Solomon could very well have rescued himself from this discussion and the vote. The budget and the bond would have still passed. However, he did not recuse himself.
This behavior could very well be in violation of ARS 38 501-511, Conflict of Interest. This is because Mr. Solomon voted to use public monies to improve lands on which he has a financial interest.
I will let the County Attorney and Attorney General rule on the legal aspects of his behavior. Regardless of their positions on the legality, his behavior demonstrates the highest form of unethical behavior.
I am asking that you censure Councilman Solomon for this behavior, and even ask for his resignation. This type of unethical behavior should not be tolerated in government, certainly not Oro Valley.
I will be sending each of you an email communication, complete with the evidence I have uncovered. It will also be sent to the media. If you again choose to do nothing, you will be sending yet another message to the voters that you condone his inappropriate, and in this case, unethical behavior.
[Click on each document to enlarge]