Josh Nicolson was born and raised in Chandler, AZ. He and his wife have lived in Oro Valley since 2012. They have two young daughters. They chose Oro Valley because of the excellent schools and the abundant natural beauty. Nicolson first got involved locally when his neighbors urged him to run for a spot on the HOA board. “That got me paying attention to issues in the community that impacted my neighborhood, and my awareness expanded from there.”
Education and Experience
• Bachelor of Science in Aeronautics from the University of North Dakota in 2005
• Air traffic controller at Tucson International Airport since 2009
• Legislative Representative for the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA)
• Vice-President of the local NATCA
• Appointed to work with the FAA’s Safety Council to develop risk mitigation procedures
• Board member of Canada Hills Villages 9A and 9C HOA
What I plan to achieve as your councilmember
From Josh’s Press Release: “Decisions aren’t black and white, and I feel like I can take the voice of both sides and find win-win solutions. Right now it seems like developers are getting their way and there’s a group of citizens who aren’t being listened to at all. I believe elected officials have a moral obligation to do what’s best for the community as a whole and for the long-term prosperity of Oro Valley. We also need to consider the fiscal consequences for the generations to come and to make decisions that retain Oro Valley’s special sense of community and beauty that we currently have.”
Campaign Issues
• Frequent General Plan amendments and rezonings
• Mitigating the golf course losses as much as possible
• Recreation opportunities that appeal to a wider range of citizens
• Current Town Council not listening to the citizens
• Wealthy land developers dictating our politics
• Bringing transparency, honesty, and integrity to Council decisions
• Avoiding long-term debt (bonds) by returning to “pay-as-you-go” for a sustainable financial future for Oro Valley
Josh Nicolson welcomes communications with the citizens of Oro Valley and can be reached through his website, www.joshfororovalley.com (Click HERE)
You can also visit his candidate Facebook page at Josh for Oro Valley