There are four high schools located in Oro Valley. Two are public schools. How do they rate?
Basis #3 In Academic Excellence
Oro Valley's Basis High School is ranked #3 in the nation (Source: US News and World Report), The ranking is based on the publication's assessment of "...schools that best serve all of their students – including historically underserved populations – and assess the degree to which students are prepared for college-level coursework."
The school is built for academic excellence. Their students are prepared for college. Basis Oro Valley High School students perform at twice the math and reading proficiency as the statewide average.
Basis Oro Valley is a special school for the academically gifted.
Congratulations to Basis Oro Valley. A job well done!
Oro Valley's Other High Schools Unranked and Doing Poorly Academically
The publication has local high schools CDO and Ironwood Ridge as "unranked." If they were to be ranked, however, they would not fare very well.
According to the data gathered by US News, Ironwood Ridge and CDO do not test well.
Ironwood Ridge students test below the statewide average for math and reading. CDO students test results are close to the statewide average for both math and science.
- 38% of CDO students and 30% of Ironwood students are at least proficient in math
- 36% of CDO students and 38% of Ironwood students are at least proficient in reading
Compare the test results of CDO and Ironwood Ridge to Catalina Foothills. This high school is ranked #670 nationally. Their student results are far better than CDO and Ironwood Ridge. 74% and 67% of Catalina Foothills students are at least proficient in math and reading respectively. (The "diversity" of the student population in these three high schools is about the same.)
Our guess is that the reason that CDO and Ironwood Ridge are unranked is because they are so far down the list of academic performers that their results don't matter. That is unacceptable.
Note: The US News study did not include Pusch Ridge Christian Academy in the study.