Joe Winfield has lived in Oro Valley for 21 years. He’s been married for 38 years and has seven children and nine grandchildren. The following is a brief insight into Joe's background and what he plans to achieve as Oro Valley's Mayor. In addition, Joe provided a list of the key issues he believes that our community is facing.
Education and Experience
• Bachelor’s degree in Landscape Architecture from U of A in 1985
• Arizona licensed landscape architect
• 34 years of planning, design, and project management for the National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service
• Small business owner for 20 years
• Served 3 years as HOA president
• Committee member for both the 2006 and the 2016 Oro Valley General Plan
• Vice-Chair Oro Valley Parks and Recreation Advisory Board 2014-2015 (resigned in 2015 in opposition to the golf courses purchase)
What I plan to achieve as your mayor
• Restore trust in Town government and build community goodwill
• Improve parks for residents and their children
• Champion the voter approved, “Your Voice, Our Future” General Plan
• Empower Oro Valley boards and commissions
• Increase fiscal discipline
• Resolve the continued financial drain of the Town-owned golf courses
• Treat citizens with respect and genuinely listen to their concerns and ideas
Campaign Issues
• Never-ending General Plan Amendments and Rezonings
• The hyper-growth rate and type of development in town
• Affinity for taxes and long-term debt to solve self-inflicted problems
• Poor management of the Town’s financial resources
• Misguided focus on sports tourism
• Golf courses purchase and no foreseeable end to continuing losses
• Architectural suitability of the Community Center
• The steady growth of Town government
• Underperformance in conserving water resources
• Disregard for resident input when making decisions
• Developer campaign contributions influencing Council decisions
You can read more about Joe at his website: www.joewinfieldmayor.com
Joe also has a facebook page: Joseph Winfield for Oro Valley Mayor