It's Unanimous Again
The seven member Oro Valley Town Council approved three major general plan amendments last night.
The vote was 7-0 on each of the three.
At one point, Council Member Hornat joked that perhaps he should vote no on one of the amendments just so that there would not be a unanimous vote on all.
The council approved these three amendment within a year of the voters approving the general plan. Their stated justification is that these developments were considered during the planning process but didn't need to be included in the plan at that time because that might have slowed down the planning process.
Solomon Tells One Commenter To Leave Town
Public comment, most of which oppose the amendments, was heard at the meeting. As, in the past however, public comment stated at council meetings that does not agree with the desires of council is dismissed by council.
One reader wrote on our facebook site: "Really considering leaving Oro Valley because of the deep seated corruption surrounding city government.They have taken our voice away."
Leaving town is apparently a suggested option of the council. Council Member Steve Solomon told town resident April Dindale to move if she did not like what was happening here. She wrote on our LOVE facebook page:
"I was so disappointed in the disrespect I felt coming from some of the council members."
We, at LOVE, have received anonymous emails weekly suggesting we also leave town. That is not going to happen.
We will report more on this meeting in future postings. Meanwhile, follow us on FACEBOOK To read more.