Keep in mind that the 2016 General Plan (a 10-year plan) was approved just one year ago by Oro Valley voters, yet developers are already looking for changes.
Wednesday, December 6th at 6 PM
Council Meeting – Town Council Chambers
Big Wash GPA and Rezoning; Shannon Road GPA and Rezoning
(1) Big Wash General Plan Amendment and Rezoning
Approximately 108 acres between Moore Road on the west and Rancho Vistoso Blvd. on the east
The applicant’s proposal includes the following three zoning designations:
Medium Density Residential (7,200 square foot lots)
Medium-High Density Residential (5,400 square foot lots)*
Open Space
*This designation “is intended to provide individual single-family ownership through patio homes and townhouses.”
If approved, this proposal will allow two massive developments with over 400 homes and mass grading in the FLOODPLAIN of Honeybee Wash and Big Wash.
View the Big Wash Project Fact Sheet HERE
(2) Shannon Road General Plan Amendment and Rezoning
76-acre property, east side of Shannon, south of IRHS
Applicant desires to change the zoning FROM R1-144 large-lot residential (3.3 acre lots) TO R1-36 small lot cluster residential with minimum lot sizes of 7,500 square feet with just 5 foot side setbacks (10 feet of space between each home.)
View the Shannon Road Project Fact Sheet HERE
A LARGE RESIDENT TURN-OUT IS IMPERATIVE AT THIS MEETING. If you would like to speak during the meeting, please complete a Blue Speaker Card located on the back counter in council chambers.
Thursday, December 7th at 6 PM
Neighborhood Meeting – Casas Church, 10,801 N LaCholla Blvd.
Saguaro Viejos Rezoning
175 lot subdivision on 85 acres on the NW Corner of Naranja Drive and LaCholla Blvd.
Rezoning FROM R1-20 (20,000 sf lots) single-family residential TO R1-7 (7,000 sf lots) single-family residential
NOTE: The town already granted a rezoning on this property in approximately 2009 from 3.3 acre rural residential (144,000 square foot lots) to 20,000 square foot lots. The applicant is now requesting to rezone the lot sizes even further, down to a minimum lot size of 6,000 sf.
View the Saguaro Viejos Project Fact Sheet HERE
Tuesday, December 12th at 6 PM
Community Meeting – Town Council Chambers
Golf Courses Update
Special meeting with Town Manager, Mary Jacobs.
Ms. Jacobs will review the Golf Consultants’ recommendations (from the $50,000 Golf Consultants’ Report) and also where the Town currently stands in the process of evaluating golf operations. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions and offer feedback.
The final recommendation to Council will be presented in January 2018.
You can view the entire Golf Consultants’ Report HERE and the briefer Executive Summary HERE
Wednesday, December 13th at 6 PM
Public Meeting/Neighborhood Meeting – Hilton El Conquistador
Proposed Development - Commercial/Senior Care/Apartments
25 acres located on the NE and SE corners of Oracle Road and El Conquistador Way
This project is located within the Oracle Road Scenic Corridor.
The applicant is proposing to rezone the property FROM single-family residential R1-144 (144,000 sf lots), Resort District and Technology Park TO Planned Area Development with an underlying zoning designation of Neighborhood Commercial.
View the Project Fact Sheet HERE
NOTE: This property is owned by HSL Properties (Humberto Lopez, who infamously dumped the money losing golf courses on the town and who has donated almost $80,000 to the campaigns of all 7 current sitting council members.)
$15,730 to the 2014 Election campaigns of Hiremath-Hornat-Snider-Waters
$25,750 to the 2015 Recall Election of Hiremath-Hornat-Snider-Waters
$38,000 to the 2015 Election campaigns of Pina-Rodman-Solomon