As usual, anything that is wanted by Mayor Hiremath and his loyal followers (to include the 6 members of his Town Council) is always generously funded by what we like to call “the usual suspects.” Keep in mind that these substantial donations were made in large part by wealthy builders and developers whose development applications will be presented before the Town Council for a vote over the next year. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours?
In a nutshell, Yes on 454 collected $36,600 and spent all of it ($35,886) on the Phoenix consulting firm of Saguaro Strategies (yes, this is the same firm that was hired by the mayor and all six current councilmembers during their election campaigns). The majority of donations came from the development community including Humberto Lopez of HSL Properties.
Humberto Lopez (famous for his “back room deal” with Mayor Hiremath for the town to purchase the run-down community center and golf courses) donated a total of $5000 to the cause. Do you think that he is scratching Hiremath’s back as a thank you for being allowed to unload his money-sucking golf courses on the town?
The attached slide gives the breakdown of these contributions.
How do you feel about wealthy developers having such a substantial say in what goes on in our town? They are pushing for the building of multiple ball fields, nighttime lighting intruding on the surrounding residential neighborhood, plus sports tourism and an event center along with all of the noise and traffic it will bring…all in a residential neighborhood and all to be paid for with your tax dollars.
Also of note, if it's "For the Kids" where are all the contributions from the parents and coaches?
We urge you to VOTE NO on Prop 454 – The $17 million Naranja Park Bond.
You can read the entire Campaign Finance Report HERE