What Is Prop 454?
Prop454 is a property tax to fund infrastructure and ballfields development at Naranja Park. Voters rejected a massive property park bond in 2007 to fund what we, at the time, called the "Naranja Theme Park." Since that time, the town has used the annual town budget to build Naranja Park on a "pay as you go" basis from the town annual budget. This year, for example, the town is constructing two large sports fields there.
Those who support Prop 454 say: "We need the fields now!"
Watch their lead video at right. This is from the website of the yeson454 PAC
The argument is that there are not enough little league ball fields in Oro Valley; and that what they consider to be a "modest increase" in the property tax will get them the fields more quickly.
Those who oppose Prop 454 say: "We don't want a property tax."
Those against the proposition have posted on LOVE a number of other arguments in opposition.
The Skinny
My advice is to skip past the emotion of whether Prop454 is or is not good for kids; after all, it really is only a matter of timing as to when these fields will be built. Skip past the politics of what the motivations are behind the initiative; after all, the initiative is on the ballot and is being actively supported by the town.
Instead, focus on the key decision that affects you and your family. There is only one question to answer:
Do you want to pay a property tax to fund the accelerated development of Naranja Park?
If you do, vote "Yes."
If you don't, vote "No."
From time to time, Richard likes to "opine". This is one of those times. Other times, our very able editor and guest view writers fill the pages of LOVE with really good stuff!