To our Oro Valley friends who have received their property tax bills for 2017, we would first like to say thank you for your past prompt payment. We have so much good work to do that we can’t spend time hounding deadbeats.
Next we want to explain the increases on your bill so that our phones do not ring incessantly with people calling to ask why their taxes went up so much.
First: Our taxing authorities need more money so the rates have increased.
Second: You have approved new bond issues which are now hitting your tax bills. For example, last November, Amphitheater School District proposed a $58MM Bond for school facility and sports field renovations which you approved. So it’s now up to us to collect the money.
Finally: Your house values have risen 5-6% with the improving economy. Using our professional, objective appraisal procedures on Oro Valley homes, we have increased total appraised value by 3%.
Keep in mind that a big part of your home appreciation is due to the terrific amenities that your Mayor and Council have provided. Not every community has two pools, 30 tennis courts, and 45 holes of town subsidized golf.
These facilities attract developers and soon your worthless Sonoran Desert landscape will come alive with Cat and Komatsu earth movers. There will be more construction jobs, more homes will be built, more schools will be needed, and more taxes will be levied. Everyone wins! All of us in your local governments truly feel we can do so much more good if you just give us your money.
Your Pima County Government
Vote no on Prop 454
PROPerty Tax 454
PROPerty Tax 454