Former Oro Valley resident says county annexation will cost the town
"After the public meeting 8/2/17 with Oro Valley town staff about the possible General Plan Amendment to annex 321 acres of State Trust Land north of Tangerine, I believe Oro Valley residents need to know that Oro Valley Town Council continues to march down the road of fiscal irresponsibility.
Mr. Vella [ Town Of Oro Valley Planning Manager and Planning and Zoning Administrator] explained that this land north of Tangerine WILL COST Oro Valley money as it has no commercial opportunity.
So why is the town even considering it? Other than it being additional State Trust Land the town intends to annex and develop (adding to the Tangerine 550).
It baffles me as to why this town council wants to continue to destroy Arizona's natural beauty, continue to cost the citizens of Oro Valley money, and leave nothing to their legacy other than track homes and concrete. Add this to the golf course debacle. How much money are the residents of Oro Valley willing to allow this town council to squander?
To protest the General Plan Amendment please email your dissent to: Michael Spaeth mspaeth@orovalleyaz.gov Case #: OV1701699
(I am a previous resident of Oro Valley 2007-2015)"
Reader astounded that bulk of town council election funding is from developers
"Hi, I was reading in your blog that the Oro Valley town council had 80 percent of their campaign paid by developers?
Do you have the link to an article or the FOAI on that?"
Yes. Developers are the primary source of funding for Oro Valley's council. Our reports on this are accurate. We sourced the information from candidate election reports. We have been writing about this "ad nauseum" since the first term election of the majority 4. Use the blog's search box to search to learn about Oro Valley's election funding.
Clarification to a reader on our revised "Guest View Policies"
Our guest view policies changed in July to accommodate anonymous postings for guest views. We felt that change is appropriate, given the current political climate of attacking people for what they say. Apparently a reader did not read our new policy. The person wrote us:
"Besides posting more misinformation on this blog today, you have proven yourself to be a hypocrite. In addition, you must identify yourself in the blog posting. No pseudonyms allowed. So.... who is this Nombe fool? "This same individual who wrote this message to us sends us at least one email a week complaining about our blog and attacking it. Here's another sample of an email to us:
"So on the save the cactus site. Which cactus did you want to save? Because if you wanted to save them all, it would be save the cacti. Right?"and then there's this one:
"Didn't we vote Mike [Zinkin] out of office? And..... if we eliminate golf, what will happen in its place? Solutions, not bitching! Can't you move to another city?"No. "We" didn't vote Mike Zinkin out. But you probably did.
In all of these messages, the writer seems to think that only one individual is writing our posts. Au contraire. We currently have four staff writers, one editor, and we have received Guest View submissions from nine individuals in just in the past month.
Reader wants LOVE to highlight Mayor Hiremath's voting record
"Grateful for the website - shouldn't the record of Hiremath be published? His record on tax increases, property purchases, what the budget was when he came on board, what it is today - let's publish ALL the facts."Yes. We agree. Why don't you write a Guest View on this?
That's it for today.
Hope you had as much fun reading these as we do.
And, if you want to send us a comment, please do so by using the form on the right panel of the blog. We will read it and respond where appropriate. And, while you're at it, sign up to our "opt in only-no spam" email list!