The Green Valley News reports that Oro Valley received an allocation of $1.43 million for road repair county money. The funds come from a county tax. "The tax, approved by the Board of Supervisors in June, raised the primary property tax rate by 25 cents to fund repair of local or local collector roads." A local road is a street that is used primally for the benefit of those who live on that street. A collector road is one that gathers traffic from the local roads, delivering it to a primary road.
It is easy for county supervisors to get away with raising our taxes for roads. That's because the taxpayers use the roads and can see some benefit. But, we don't look so kindly on because we recall RTA voting fraud, a tax, and all the other moneys that are available for roads.
How To Drive "Hands Free" In Oro Valley
Every media, print and net, have reported that The City of Tucson, Oro Valley and Pima County are enforcing laws that prohibit holding an electronic device while driving. These "laws" make common sense. But, since people do "text and drive" yet another law was needed to enforce "common sense."
What is not reported is "How To Be Hands Free."
Here are four suggestions for hands free phone calls:
- Use microphone earphones that you plug into your device
- Use microphone earphones that connect via wifi to your device
- Use the "speaker" function of your device
- Use the device connected via bluetooth to your car radio, if you have such.
Here's a suggestion for hands free texting:
- Use the dictation feature of your "personal assistant" (like SIRI for iPhone) to dictate into the device as in: "Siri, I want to dictate a message to ..." [Do the dictating via the microphone earphone device]
- Use the dictation feature for reading a text, as in: "Siri, read me that text message..."
And, if all this confuses you: Either pull off the road safely and park to use the device; or wait until you get home. After all, is that call or text really that important?
The "legislation" was not necessary since Arizona driving laws prohibit "distracted driving." Under existing law, law enforcement can pull you over and give you a ticket for anything that distracts your driving.
Oro Valley Author Publishes Third Book
Oro Valley resident Joel Bresler has published a new comedic novel, “The Moskowitz Code” (Tasfil Publishing, LLC), in which Mike Moskowitz finds his life turned “tush-over-teakettle” when his doctor makes a typo in his medical record. Bresler’s previous books include “Sunderwynde Revisited” and “Letters to be Read in a Heavily British Accent,” a finalist for both the USA Book News and Indie Book Awards in the humor category." (Source: azjewishpost.com)Oro Valley Author Publishes Third Book
Oro Valley Municipal Court To Participate in "Warrant Roundup"
The Oro Valley Municipal Court will participate with six other courts "the morning of Saturday Aug. 26 for people to pay fines and arrange payment plans to resolve outstanding warrants." We're sure that those who ignore warrants will jump at the chance to get this "off their backs!" (Yes. We're joking.) This "outreach" program will be held at the Pima County Consolidate Justice Court. This is located at 240 N. Stone Ave, Tucson.
(Source: usnews.com)