Many politicians today are being chastised by their constituents for not giving them the opportunity to voice their opinions in a face-to-face setting. This is evident in the lack of Town Halls that our representatives are holding. Are they afraid to hear what people might think? Are they worried that maybe their voting records do not represent their constituents?
This doesn’t just apply to Federal and State politicians. When was the last time in the last 8 years that the Mayor of Oro Valley and the individual council members have held a "Council on Your Corner?" The answer is NEVER.
Burns, Garner, and Zinkin were not afraid to hold Council on Your Corner Events
Former Councilmembers Burns, Garner, and Zinkin held a few of these events when they were in office, with the last one being in April 2016. Hiremath-Hornat-Snider-Waters have not held a “Council on Your Corner” since taking office in 2010 and Pina-Rodman-Solomon have not held one since taking office in November 2016.
The Strategic Plan used to mention holding “Council on Your Corner” events. It is our understanding that these events were discontinued due to lack of attendance. There was also a concern for safety after the January 2008 shooting, but since the current Town Council is always bragging that Oro Valley is one of the safest communities, then their personal safety should not be a concern to them.
Meet your Constituents
So why not take a chance? Why won't the Mayor and the Council subject themselves to their public? Is it because they don't care what the public desires? Is it because they cannot function without Town staff there to bolster them? Is it because their financial backers were not Oro Valley citizens, but developers and wealthy land owners? Mr. Mayor, Mr. Vice-Mayor, Councilmembers: We challenge each of you to hold an event, as individuals, where your constituents can discuss matters of interest without a 3 minute time limit and without Town staff present to back your decisions or answer questions for you. Take a chance and see what the citizens think about the job you are doing.