The 7-member Conceptual Design Review Board (CDRB) is going to be abolished and the Arts Review Commission is going to take its place.
The responsibilities of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be markedly different, as follows:
(1) They will no longer coordinate the development review of Town land use plans. (No more citizen oversight).
(2) They will no longer be responsible for maintaining the adopted General Plan criteria. (No more citizen oversight to make sure that developments are consistent with the General Plan prior to going to Council for a vote).
(3) They will no longer consider all conditions listed as requirements in the Oro Valley Zoning Code for a given conditional use permit (CUP). They will no longer provide recommendations to the Town Council on proposed rezonings or conditional use permits. (No more citizen input on rezonings or CUP’s prior to going to Council for a vote).
(4) Their focus will no longer be limited primarily to land use issues, but will now include “detailed design consideration.” This task was previously performed by the 7-member CDRB.
It appears that most developer activity will now go directly to the Town Council with no citizen review or input beforehand.