Council members are claiming that this is not a property tax. That’s because they all ran on the promise of never agreeing to a property tax. However, a 20-year secondary property tax on top of our already high Pima County primary property tax is definitely a property tax and it will create an unnecessary burden on many of us.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Ordering and calling a special bond election to be held in and for the Town of Oro Valley, Arizona, on November 7, 2017, to submit to qualified electors thereof the question of authorizing the issuance and sale of General Obligation Bonds and a Secondary Property Tax as security for improvements for Naranja Park.
This will be a short meeting as this is the only item on the Regular Agenda.
Please attend this council meeting and make a short statement (complete a Blue Speaker Card located on the back table) or e-mail the Mayor and each Council Member to let them know what you think. Remember to send a copy to Jessica Hynd (jhynd@orovalleyaz.gov) and ask that your message be placed in the Council Packet.
E-mail addresses for the mayor and council are below:
shiremath@orovalleyaz.gov (Mayor)
dsharp@orovalleyaz.gov (Acting Town Manager)