Proposed General Plan Amendment and Rezoning for an approximately 78-acre property east of Shannon Road immediately south of Ironwood Ridge High School.
Current Land Use Designation
Rural low density residential 3.3 acre lots (144,000 square feet). Maximum one dwelling per 3.3 acres (23 homes total) with substantial setbacks between individual homes in order to maintain a rural character and retain the natural environment.
Proposed Land Use Designation
Low density residential-2. Maximum 1 dwelling per half acre (89 homes total). Includes “retention of a rural open character…minimum of [natural desert] disturbance with building envelopes on individual lots.”
Don’t let this description fool you into believing that the end result will be low density half-acre lots with minimal loss of natural vegetation. The devil is in the proposed rezoning details below.
Current Zoning
Large lot residential R1-144. (Equates to 144,000 square foot minimum lot size). Allows agricultural uses and promotes open space.
Proposed Zoning ~ The Devil is in the Details
Small lot clustered homes. Residential R1-7. (Equates to 7,000 square foot minimum lot size). Medium-high-density detached single-family residential development. This proposal also includes changing the allowed maximum building height from 18 feet to 25 feet, which will allow for the building of 2-story homes. It also allows side setbacks in between the homes of only 15 feet (7.5 feet per home).
Why This and Why Now?
What would make a developer think that they can get approval to build small cluster residential homes on 7,000 square foot lots in an established neighborhood of $500,000 to $800,000 homes on 3.3 acre rural residential lots? The answer is evident by the timing of the application. The pre-application was submitted in January 2017, coincidentally timed to be heard by our new 7-member pro-development council.
Keep in mind that this is not a small change. If approved, this change will completely alter the rural character of the Shannon Road neighborhood thereby lowering the property values of the existing surrounding homes.
Not My Neighborhood…Or is it?
If you’re thinking, “I don’t live on Shannon Road so I don’t need to concern myself with this,” think again. Every time a land use or rezoning change is approved in one neighborhood, it sets the stage for a similar land use/rezoning change in the surrounding neighborhoods. The developer’s excuse is always…”this proposal with 7,000 square foot lots and 2-story homes with mass grading is in keeping with the neighborhood immediately to the north (south, east, or west).”
We urge you to attend the Neighborhood Meeting on April 25th and make YOUR VOICE heard.
More information is available on the town website: CLICK HERE