The Community Committee was comprised of 15 residents who met six times from December 2014 to March 2015. The Community Committee spent numerous hours studying background information and reviewing, working with and revising the staff-created workbook to come up with broad community goals, policies and actions.
With Oro Valley’s reputation for being a safe town, it’s no surprise that residents want this trend to continue. The Police Department’s philosophy is to deter crime proactively using dark house programs, community policing, aggressive traffic enforcement, etc. The dark house program is particularly popular with Oro Valley’s part-time residents.
In the Community section of YVOF, there are two Goals related to safety. Goal I states: Safety during emergencies and from the threats of natural and man-made hazards, whether at home, work, or at other activities. Residents expressed a desire for establishing programs for public safety education, emergency response and emergency planning in the future. Information regarding the emergency notification process, mass evacuation routes, shelter locations and suggested food/supplies for response readiness would be beneficial to the entire community. This is timely given the security threats to our nation, including cyber security
Goal J was added by a Community Committee member during the 60-day Stakeholder Review Period as there was no goal related to the focus on community safety and maintain low crime. Goal J: A safe community with low crime, safe neighborhoods and positive relationships between law enforcement and community members.
To learn more about community safety, read the policies (page 17) which focus on Town Safety (TS). Also, review the specific Safety Action Items #52 – 63 (pages 69-70) which will fulfill the goals and policies. These include Safety Planning, Safety Education, and Safe Development. The action items include the timeframe for completing each action and which Town department has the responsibility for each policy.
Again, some will use existing resources. Others will move forward when funds become available. The community will continuously be included in conversations about funding.
Get involved with your Town. You can view or purchase the current version of the plan ($30) at the Administration Building or Community Development & Public Works Building. You can or view the plan for free at the Oro Valley Public Library or Oro Valley Community Center. To view the 2016 version of Your Voice, Our Future online go to this link.
There are 2 public hearings about the plan. Try to attend one of these meetings where you learn about it and ask questions:
- September, 2016, 6 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission 2nd Public Hearing, Oro Valley Town Hall Council Chambers. At this meeting, the Oro Valley Planning and Zoning Commission will adopt the new General Plan.
- September 21, 2016, 6 p.m. Town Council Public Hearing, Oro Valley Town Hall Council Chambers
Diane Bristow
Shirl Lamonna
Oro Valley Residents