Originally from Wisconsin, Wendy Timm received a B.F.A. in Art Education from the University of Arizona. She has taught public school art education for K-12, programs for Pima County Parks and Recreation, and at Pima Community College. She credits her sense of humor and love of nature and animals for her imagery and no doubt they are harmoniously combined in her pieces. It wasn't until she bought an acre of land in Oro Valley, however, that she "really had the opportunity to become unified with the desert life around" her.
Her resident studio she calls, "Wicked Wind Studios," is where she specializes in one-of-a kind hand-built raku, stoneware pottery, tiles, ornaments, and sculptures. Twice yearly, in April and December, she holds open studios, where collectors can admire exhibits with a showing of her latest works. Admirers are also encouraged to investigate the winding trails of her exquisite gardens with the strong likelihood of stumbling upon hidden sculptured treasures and even one or two desert dwellers she welcomes with open arms, literally.
When not creating as an artist, you can find Wendy picking prickly pear fruit for teas, rescuing wildlife, and enjoying the sights and sound of Oro Valley, as just an all around nature enthusiast.
We asked her about her strong connection to nature and what Oro Valley offers in terms of inspiration.
"It may be hard for me to explain but when I look out in the yard I do not just see the multiple varieties of cacti, trees, and shrubs. I see things not only in context of art elements and principles of design, I also have become a student of their biology. The play of light, the incredible textures, the subtle hues draw you in but I also love the planting, the nurturing, and the gardening involved.
My yard is a certified wildlife habitat and I certainly have always been an animal lover. The first javelina and desert cottontail sculptures I created were back in 1991 and I had only photos to base my work on. Now the subjects of my work live around me, and at times, with me. Though I have many ideas and designs that are not desert related the heart and soul of my sculptural work is inspired from the beauty and energy that surround me here at my Oro Valley home/studio."
Although we missed the Spring open house, I think we could all benefit from being in the presence of her work so I'm planning on going in December. In the meantime you can check the artist out on Facebook,including glorious photos of previous work and her critter friends from bobcats on her roof to napping javelina on the patio, or her website.It is truly rare that someone expresses such a genuine appreciation for the world around them. We are lucky to have Wendy in our community capturing the details of Oro Valley's backyard.
Heather Nenadovich has lived in Oro Valley for 6 years. She has a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Arizona. She loves gardening, nature, art, and travel. Currently her two young children fill up most of her days (and nights) with chaotic bliss. Oro Valley favorites: memorial bench at the entrance of Romero Canyon Trail in Catalina State Park, Toscana Studio and Gallery, OV Fall Festival, the gumption and determination of OV residents!
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