The filing for a referendum begins yet another chapter of resident activism in Oro Valley.
Oro Valley. You gotta love us. Our residents just don't quit.
- In 1978, even after the town became a town, there were those petitioning to have the town return to its unincorporated status.
- This after the town had to go to court to earn the right to even become a town.
- Then, there is the 2004-2006 "Outrageous Giveaway" referendum. A group call GOVAC formed. This group asserted that the town should not have agreed to give Phoenix-based developer Vestar half of all sales tax revenues earned at the Marketplace, up to $20 million, to build the Marketplace. After six court appearances the group won the right to have the citizens vote on the deal. (Source)
- Add to this, the fact there they have been a number of attempts to recall council members. Indeed, in the past 3 years, people have attempted to get sufficient signatures to recall 3 currently sitting council members.
Now, announced this past Thursday, a group has formed to challenge the towns purchase. The town's plan is to covert the club building into a community and recreation center. The complex includes tennis courts. It includes 2 golf courses at the La Canada. All this for $1million plus at least 10 years of major investment in capital improvements. We have reported extensively on this.
The group formed is called TOOTHINOV.ORG. They are organized. They are in the field gathering signatures.
We asked Oro Valley's Communication Administrator Misti Nowak what the town thought of this:
"...after chatting with Greg and the Mayor, we decided it wasn’t really appropriate for us to comment to the media yet on this matter. As you know, the filing committee has until January 16 to collect 1,148 valid signatures. Until that date and the verification of signatures, Town staff will conduct business as usual, and we will reassess the situation pending the outcome of the petition."
Friday, he called into the 4t4 KVOI talk program. He stated the following:
"Sometimes individual rights have to be superseded by the greater good. Because here is what is going to happen. You have over 1,300 homeowners who live on the golf course and if they are successful in getting the referendum through, everything stops. And when everything stops what's going to happen is that either another buyer is going to come in and somebody else is going to control that 330 plus acres or Lopez himself is going to control the destiny of some of the acres because I don’t think that anybody realizes what the entitlements that are already there on those 330 acres. Some of them are single family homes, other ones which are a conditional use permit for gas stations. There are many other things.
So the core of the issue to me has always been who is going o control the 330 acres of land. Are we going to l leave that much acreage in the middle of the town of Oro Valley to chance or are we going to control it and enhance it and offer services to residents that they don't currently have. So, it really isn't about a golf course, it's not about a community center. Those are just benefits.
This referendum in sad because they just look at the golf course and they don't focus on property values and who is going to control the 330 acres." (Source: Transcription of KVOI Broadcast)So, it's about controlling the land? It's not about a community center?
We've have a poll (top right corner) running on whether you agree that a vote on this matter should occur. Please do weigh in. It's not statistically valid. We know that it can be "rigged." For example, Friday night 100 votes miraculously appeared against the idea. Still, we think a poll is fun.
We LOVE Oro Valley's activism. It's "In our nature"!
We hope that you enjoy the holidays!
Please visit us tomorrow for Heather's holiday wishes.
Richard, Heather and The Gang At LOVE
Just curious...would your somewhat slanted statement of "rigged" votes and 100 votes "miraculously appearing against the idea" have been part of this written piece had the votes been for the idea of a town vote?
The greater good is a phrase used by a Harry Potter character to justify his horrific actions. Sounds part for the course for the Mayor. Harrypotter.wikia.com
This is the first I've heard about a gas station. If the Mayor has valid reasons why OV needs to control that acreage, then he needs to put it out there. We need ALL the facts to make an informed decision. Also, would there be any interest in a miniature golf course for family fun?
It is a statistical impossibility for 100 votes to be cast all at once for either a yes or a no. Therefor, the conclusion that we stated. We would have said the same think had the vote been the other way.
Also, please review all of our postings on the "community center." They have been fair. They have been balanced.
We are not advocating any position. We are reporting what is being said.
Note that we did not remove the poll.
When I left Target today, I saw some big 50ish gray haired guy harassing one of the people getting petitions signed. She was an old lady. What kind of thug tries to intimidate someone old enough to be his mother? Big bully should be ashamed of himself. Probably has some issues requiring blue pills.
We saw the same thing today, Owen.
Most people have told me that they think that Mayor Hiremath is "fear mongering." They seem to feel that he is trying to scare them into not singing a simple petition to allow the people to vote.
WOW! I just listened to Mike Zinkins radio interview. He listed a bunch of facts about the "community center" that left me feeling like we've been suckered. Some things you can't argue with. Sq. footage is sq. footage. It makes me wonder if the mayor and 3 council members perpetrated a huge fraud on the residents of Oro Valley. They definitely are guilty of dereliction of duty!
As the winds change directions daily, it appears the Mayor does tool. His reason for acquiring these facilities has changed again. Now, it is to protect the landowners and land. Has he seen a light? When in the past 4 years has he ever been concerned with residents and the land around them. During his reign, presiding over rezoning and General Plan amendments, his honor has nearly always disregarded residents' appeals.
A simple petition to allow the people to vote is part of a DEMOCRACY.
Who determines what the "greater good" may be, the mayor (and three council members) or the citizens? If the mayor believes it is him and is willing to supersede individual rights toward that end, that is scary stuff.
Most of the comments on this post are from the hard core LOVE blog posters and therefore you can discount any degree of accuracy.
For instance the Zsheeplady just posted that she listened to Mike Zinkin and said he listed a bunch of facts. What she doesn't know is that Mike Zinkin and facts is an oxymoron. Mike Zinkin seldom mixes truth with commentary.
Owen.....Is a "blue pill" comment the best you can do? I suppose if you can't come up with something objective you post crap.
The fact that the individual isn't supposed to be on the property doesn't sink in, does it?
Is it just a coincidence that Furash and Zinkin use the same terms????? Just sayin'.
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