After much thought, I decided the best way to return civility, cooperation, and team work to the council was from within. I will apply my consulting skills in team development and facilitation toward achieving this goal.
Attending council meetings, I also became aware of how few citizens attended and participated in these meetings. Since many may find it difficult to attend these meetings, I would like to be their voice as their citizen-centric council member.
My foremost responsibility will be to the citizens of Oro Valley. I pledge to seek and hear as many opinions as possible before making any decisions. I will respect the views of others, and offer compromises when appropriate. Additionally, many citizens have noted that some council members consistently show up unprepared for meetings.
I pledge to prepare for Council Meetings by researching agenda items in advance. I will listen carefully to presentations and speakers; ask pertinent follow-up questions; carefully evaluate each proposal; and adhere to the Oro Valley General Plan and Town Codes when making decisions.
The future of Oro Valley is very dependent on its financial health and a clearly written 2015 General Plan. I will support major projects, such as the development of Naranja Park, only after input from citizens and consultants and after financial plans has been reviewed and approved. I will strengthen fiscal responsibility by spending wisely on residents’ priorities, and by requiring supporting documents for all non-urgent projects. I will base my decisions on facts, not fantasy.
As your council member, I will work to strengthen the approval criterion for 2015 General Plan amendments and rezoning. I will maintain public safety and quality of life for all. I am also running for council to advocate for environmental and historical preservation as well as increased cultural, recreations, and learning opportunities for all ages.
Thank you for your support. It would be an honor to be your Councilmember.
Don Bristow
We're voting for Don Bristow. HE WILL LISTEN TO THE CITIZENS! It's time to turn this council around and have it working for the citizens rather than the special interest groups, especially the millionaire developers who have been allowed to destroy parcel after parcel of pristine desert.
In this instance, HORNAT is the one to beat as he is VERY FRIENDLY with one of those developers, the developer whose name you see on signs all over town. Whenever that developer goes before council for an approval of one of his projects, it's clear that Hornat's mind is made up long before he enters council chambers.
This is evident by the fact that he does not ask any questions of the developer during the presentation. It's also evident by the fact that the SECOND the last citizen has finished speaking against the project during the Call to Audience, Hornat quickly makes the motion to approve the item before there can be any further discussion among the council. This indicates that he has no concern for any of the residents who will be impacted by the development.
Your views are gone...Hornat doesn't care. The wildlife you've always enjoyed watching is displaced...Hornat doesn't care. Your privacy is gone...Hornat doesn't care. More traffic and noise in your neighborhood...Hornat doesn't care.
Since we can only hope to remove one council member, WE NEED TO REPLACE HORNAT WITH DON BRISTOW!
i met with Don and found him to be a thoughtful and sincere person. He
will get my only vote for council since the way the election is decided that improves his odds of being elected.
The following Comment was posted on our Facebook page in responses to this posting:
"Brad Louis: If you like 4 more years of apartments going up everywhere between office buildings that will sit vacant, a mayor and 3 councilmen who are super cozy with developers who want to rezone every parcel of vacant land so they can quadruple the number of houses they can build. If you like having a mayor that doesn't care about our quality of life in OV, who thinks he's all knowing and us citizens know nothing. If you like your mayor mean, vindictive, arrogant, dismissive of opposite view, than you should vote for Hiremath and his 3 buddys. If thats what you want, please tell me where all the water is going to come from, will our schools be able to absorb all these kids, where will the money come from to pay for more police and firemen. Hope you enjoy years of construction dust, pollution, and traffic. Say goodbye to our open space and tranquil life. Maybe you like all that congestion, if you do, why are you here. You might like Phoenix better."
The following comment was posted on our Facebook page in response to this posting:
Marge McDowell Hettenbaugh: And as was said by the public at meetings to oppose some senseless development..the town plans on passing it..As they did on LaCholla..no intelligence shown by the board in favor. Also..I purchased here 8 years ago because of dark skies..what a joke..town parks are lit up for at least 5 offensive miles. So as usual..OK. For weak town board members, including the Mayor..by the way..he could not even answer my inquiry...send town employees instead..like they are paid by town and what else could they do but agree with town..Heaven help one building a simple home if town inspectors see one side garage light shinning a wee bit up in the air..as usual Politicians don't practice what they preach...guessed I'm must be dissatisfied with them..you think?
I would "favorite" this comment a thousand times if I could!
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