“It is the responsibility of the candidates and campaign committees to comply with all campaign finance laws. The Town does not have the resources or legal obligation to provide guidance, answer questions or verify the accuracy of the reports. Candidates and campaign committees alone are responsible for the contents of their candidate finance reports”. (Section 2, Page 1)
Oro Valley Town Clerk Julie Bowers does not adhere to this policy.
The Town Clerk sent an email to Mayor Satish Hiremath on January 3.
"Just a reminder that a campaign finance report is due January 31, 2014 for your open political committee - Hiremath for Mayor. I have attached the following fillable forms."As you can see, Bowers violated the policy by reminding him to comply with the law. She not only reminded him. She also attached the forms to be completed to the email.
I personally served as a Treasurer on two PACs (2011 and again in 2012). I never received any reminder (“guidance”) to file any required financial report.
This action voluted the Town's written public statement to politically favor and assist (provide guidance) a particular candidate.
We ask: Does Town Clerk Bowers send an email to every PAC to remind them to file their reports or does she favor Hiremath only?
What do you think?
Why does this not surprise me?
Sprit of Eric Holder lives in the OV!!
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