To date, five individuals have filed statements of organization for the 2014 election. This is the first step required to get on the ballot. They are the 4 incumbents and 1 newcomer. The incumbents are Mayor Hiremath and Council Members Hornat, Snider and Waters. The new comer is Patrick Straney. Straney is active in the Rancho Vistoso Homeowners Association. He is known in that community.
When it comes to our elected officials, we see it as our job to provide you with accurate, fact-based information about each candidate so that you can make an informed decision for whom to vote. Then, after they are elected, we see our job as being a bit of a "watchdog" for you. We have spoken with some individuals who we think would serve the people well.
A Mayor Who Represents All Of The People
The primary job requirement for a Mayor in 2014 is to bring Oro Valley together. The attempted recall of Council Member Zinkin, as led by current Mayor Hiremath, did nothing but divide our community. The fact that 3 other council members actively supported it further divided our community. The recall effort did not secure sufficient signatures for a recall election. Their reaction was to plance an article in the local advertising circular in which the Mayor claimed to be vindicated by a report that recommended a change in the manner in which the town operates. At a time when Oro Valley required healing, he continued to divide. To what end?
Oro Valley deserves a Mayor who has the patience and the humility to facilitate discussions of divergent views; a Mayor who will put the town's interests in front of their personal feelings. We need a Mayor who will never take sides.
We know of an individual who can do just that. This individual is qualified because this person understands and is capable of presenting and mediating the views of the business community, the police department, and the citizens of our town. This individual is exactly the type of Mayor that Oro Valley needs.
This person has not yet committed to run. So, at the moment, there is only one candidate for Mayor.
A Council of Independent Thinkers
What Oro Valley lacks today is a council of 7 special-interest free individuals. Council Members Hornat, Snider and Waters always vote the same. They always vote as a block. Compare their voting record to that of Council Members Burns, Garner and Zinkin. There are many votes in which they do not vote the same.
We have spoken to some individuals regarding council membership. Each would bring an independent view to council. We would not agree with every position they took; but, knowing their commitment to the people of Oro Valley, we would accept their leadership.
Most of those to whom we have spoken have said that they would not want to serve with a Mayor who could take up arms against them. Most would run if there was a Mayoral candidate whom they felt would uphold civility in our community.
We ask those to whom we have spoken and those to whom we have not spoken:
"If not you, then who?"
If you don't step up, Oro Valley will likely see a continuation of governance as it has been since 2010: A lockstep majority that never breaks rank. It is a majority that rarely agrees with the ideas of the minority. It is a majority that has sought the removal of a minority member.
If this is what you want for Oro Valley, then you will get what you want.
If this is not what you want for Oro Valley, then it is time for you to step-up.
Getting on the ballot is not difficult. Pick up a "Candidate Handbook" at the town clerk's office. It has everything you need. Read it. Start a PAC by filing a statement of organization. Solicit 279 registered voters to sign your non partisan nominating petition. Complete a few other forms, File the petition and the forms by May 28. Viola! You are on the ballot.
Being elected does not require a vast amount of money in our local election. There are many who would donate to your campaign. What being elected does require is your personal commitment to represent the interests of all the residents of Oro Valley.
Ask yourself: "If not you, then who?"
The events of the last few months-- recall efforts of Zinkin, supported by the mayor-- have soured many of us that might consider offering ourselves as candidates for public office. In my case, I can see better ways to spend my time and I refuse to subject my family to the tactics of the majority. I for one would love to see Richard Furash run for office. I am willing to devote my time to help candidates get elected-- this includes getting signatures, donating money and hosting a get to know the candidates event.
Mr. Davis is spot on. Who would want to run when there are political operatives loose in the OV that would make Boss Tweed blush?
The dentist and his police unions thugs will attack any moderate candidate and his family. While there may be many qualified candidates, who would risk such stress on his family?
This is a very sad situation.
Ditto on the comments by Chuck Davis and Nombe. But here's the thing...
If NO ONE runs, Garner, Zinkin and Burns will continue to be a minority. They will continue being attacked, minimized, ridiculed, etc. and we'll never get anything done FOR THE PEOPLE.
If only ONE citizen-centric person runs, the most we can hope for is to unseat one of them and that's not enough for any long-term gain.
If only ONE person runs against them, WE will have to divide our time and resources trying to unseat FOUR people, while THEY will have the advantage of being able to focus their time and resources like a laser on defeating just ONE person.
But if MANY citizen-centric people run against them, we have a very good chance of removing ALL of them because they are not popular as it is now, and will be even less so once we expose their anti-citizen voting record. If we remove ALL of them or if only one cheese stands alone, we can put an end to the character assassination tactics of the majority.
There's power in numbers and THEY know that! That's why so many of them run for office simultaneously. Our side needs to do the same!
The citizens of Oro Valley deserve better than what we have now. As Victorian Cowgirl said, we need a citizen-centric person. One who knows how to be civil, respectful and courteous.
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