On December 1, 2011, Betty A. Dickens, then Oro Valley's Human Resources Director filed a 2-inch think grievance alleging "... a pattern of inappropriate behaviors that are condoned and modeled by the Mayor ([Hiremath]), Council Members, Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, and Police Department personnel." Her's was a serious set of allegations.
As it turned out, an attorney hired by the town concluded that Dickens allegations were without merit. Perhaps, we will report on this one day. Our point at the moment: Not every allegation, not every assertion has merit.
Town economic development manager Amanda Jacobs has filed a "complaint." The complaint alleges that Council Member Zinkin used inappropriate language. A complaint is not a grievance. It is simply a complaint. It holds less weight than a formal grievance that must be filed in accordance with specific town guidelines.
The inappropriate language is said to have occurred in June 18, 2012, a few weeks after Zinkin took office. Zinkin, she claims, used an inappropriate word in a conversation with her.
The "10-Second Incident"
Here is the conversation exactly as Jacobs reports it:
"I said 'Mike, I am not a push over (referencing TREO's quarterly report ).'
Mike replied, 'I know you are not a slut.' I was offended and replied
'Mike, I did not say I was a f****** slut. I said I am not a push over. I don't care if you are an elected official, I will not tolerate this sh** Don't ever call me a slut again.'"According to Jacobs, she went directly to Town Manager Caton's office to report the "incident." "I said I would not be filing a formal complaint at this time, " writes Jacobs. Caton, in a memo dated August 16, states that he has spoken to Zinkin on this matter: "As we discussed I brought the matter of inappropriate comments to council member Zinkin's attention and he appreciated the conversation."
Case closed?
Not quite.
A Case of Strange Timing
Amanda Jacobs filed her complaint a few weeks ago. She filed it 19 months after the incident. She filed it after LOVE observed in our postings regarding the recall that not one accusation had been formally filed against Council Member Zinkin.
The town has begun its investigation of the complaint. That Zinkin should be vindicated and that Jacobs should be rebuked for using foul, abusive language is an obvious conclusion, for it was Jacobs who used foul language, not Zinkin.
But, we think the inquiry should go further...
So Many Unanswered Questions
If Jacobs was so taken by what happened in June, 2012, she should have filed a written, formal complaint at that time. Instead, she said she was not going to do so (at that time).
Why did Jacobs file now, 19 months after the alleged incident?
Is this another orchestrated effort by the recall cabal to build a case against Zinkin?
Is Mayor Hiremath involved?
Caton also notes in his August 16, 2012 memo that: "Following my conversation with Council member Zinkin I also brought Council member Zinkin's behavior to the attention of the Mayor. " Certainly, Mayor Hiremath, who LOVE has directly tied to the Zinkin recall effort and who has publicly advocated the recall, knows of this incident. Did he solicit Amanda Jacobs to file this complaint now?Is Jacobs violating town policy 29.3 by filing a complaint in support of a political activity: "Town resources, including but not limited to facilities, funds, employee services, and email accounts, may not be used in any manner to influence an election or solicit support for any candidate or political party." This recall effort is, as we have proven, a political activity.
Our Conclusion: Zinkin Is The Victim Of Dirty Tricks and Foul Language
We present three conclusions.
First, Amanda Jacobs is not the victim here. A fair and impartial complaint adjudication would find that Amanda Jacobs was the aggressor in this incident. It was Jacobs, not Zinkin, who used filthy words. Zinkin should have filed a report on her!
Second, this complaint is another attempt to smear the reputation of Council Member Zinkin on the part of the recall cabal.
Third, there is no end to the depths to which the recall cabal will sink to achieve their goal.
We have no doubt that the Jacobs complaint is without merit. Not every allegation, not every assertion has merit. Saying something "don't make it so."
The hypocrisy reeks.
Everything in life has context. The conversation quoted here surely has even more context that we are not privy to. Even with this glimpse, it's obvious that Jacobs demonstrated a lack of professionalism - painting a picture that Mike is 100% complicit, many months after the fact - is deplorable on its face.
We can only hope that the people behind this witch hunt will be eventfully be held accountable. The fact that the Mayor has a hand in it, publicly, should serve as a wake up call to all Oro Valley voters that we should not tolerate this garbage, and that cleaning out sludge in this sewer pipe is absolutely necessary.
Enough of this nonsense!
If you listen to the OV Mayor on WakeUp! Tucson (1-22-14 podcast), you will be convinced of the mayor's part in the recall. He even told people to go the "truth blog" for the facts.
Is it legal for the mayor to actively support a recall effort in this manner?
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