The item was to allow LaMesa RV to display RV's three times between now and December 3, 2014 at the Oro Valley Marketplace (See our posting yesterday).
Waiting until the end of the discussion on the matter, Hiremath stated his opinion: "Once again, we are way in the weeds....This [the display or more than 100 RV's ] is nothing more than the Art's Council with a massive amount of tents.... Our job is to bring people in the area. It is to help in a down time....This is nothing more than a private company trying to work with the Oro Valley Marketplace."
Hiremath then turned on Williams: "I'm lighly hitting you over the head with this because I don't think it should rise to this level of the council. We do have other pressing things that we need to be thinking about and I do think the buck should stop with you. You get paid the big bucks to make those decisions." Williams had to sit there. He had to listen to this public rebuke. The Mayor did not ask him to respond. Watch they Mayor's remarks.
Planner Williams had brought the matter to council because the law required him to do so. The Rancho Vistoso PAD required council to hear this matter, hold a public hearing on it, and make a decision. David Williams was doing his job.
Mayor Hiremath does not hold a town position that gives him the authority to "dress down" a town employee in private, let alone to do so publicly. The position of Mayor of Oro Valley is primarilly a ceremonial one. The Mayor has no direct reports. Two individuals, the town manager and the town's outside legal council, report to council. One department, the police department, reports to council. This is a department that the Mayor does not wish to oversee. Oro Valley Development and Infrastructure Department, the department in which Mr. Williams resides, reports to the town manager, not to the Mayor or council.
Regardless, no council member, including the Mayor, has the right to dress down a town employee in public (or private) at any time. It is not simply a matter of bad taste. It is a matter of decency. Perhaps Mayor Hiremath should undergo extensive sensitivity training to learn how to hold his remarks and be sensitive to others.
Unlike Mayor Hiremath, we are pleased that council discussed this use. It was a worthy use of council time. There are rules. There are requirements. These rules and these requirements should be discussed and considered. Yes. perhaps, following the law can become a bit tiresome and boring. But it is the law and it Mayor's job to uphold it and to not rebuke others for doing so. And, if the Mayor doesn't want to do the job, the entire job, then, perhaps he should not be Mayor.
1. "This is way beyond me." Doesn't understand his job responsibilities.
2. "... people drive to OV Marketplace theatre because it has piped in music in the parking lot & this is a beautiful theatre." Really? People don't have radios around here?
3. "This is a waste of my time personally." That's what the mayor gets paid the big bucks for.
4. "...lightly hammering you over the head" He needs civility classes. Plus, did he review the agenda prior to the meeting? If he believed it should have been handled at Staff level, he could have discussed it w/ Caton or Williams ahead of time. He seems to glory in humiliating others.
Hiremath: "This is way beyond me."
No arguments here. The job of Mayor is way beyond his capabilities. He has neither the intellect nor the civility for this job.
Hiremath: "This is a waste of my time."
Then he spent 2.5 minutes complaining about how this agenda item was a waste of his time. So he just wasted another 2.5 minutes of his time complaining about wasting his time.
And isn't the Mayor the one who approves the agenda? Why did he approve this agenda item? So he could use the opportunity to scold Williams in public?
But this blog was silent when Councilman Burns did exactly the same thing to Economic Development Manager Amanda Jacobs.
Surely there couldn't be a double standard. Could there??????
La Mesa RV has been using vacant land in the Oro Valley Marketplace to promote their sales of hundreds of Recreational Vehicles.
The Oro Valley Rancho Vistoso Planned Area Development (PAD) current requirements do not support this activity.
The Oro Valley Planning Manager, David Williams, is using his administrative interpretation power to declare RV vehicles and trailers as “automobiles”. This is unbelievable!
The same Oro Valley Planning Manager did the same thing some months earlier when he proclaimed a “Rental Truck” is an “automobile” for an ACE hardware store added business. This rental truck approval attempt failed.
The final sale of any promoted RV is consummated in the buyer’s location, so the Town of Oro Valley does not gain any sales tax revenue. The Town of Oro Valley receives a $370 permit fee.
There is financial gain to the Oro Valley business area such as retail restaurants and retail store increased traffic.
Hiremath stated his opinion: "Once again, we are way in the weeds....This [the display or more than 100 RV's ] is nothing more than the Art's Council with a massive amount of tents.... Our job is to bring people in the area. It is to help in a down time....This is nothing more than a private company trying to work with the Oro Valley Marketplace."
Message to Mayor Hiremath: Planning Manager Williams had brought the matter to council because the law required him to do so. The Rancho Vistoso PAD required council to hear this matter, hold a public hearing on it, and make a decision.
However, instead of looking at the Rancho Vistoso PAD requirements for potential changes, the Mayor and Council simply ignored it and approved the use for LaMesa RV.
It is no wonder that citizens don’t trust their government!
Was a public meeting ever held on this matter?
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