The presentation observed:
- Construction revenues have been consistently decreasing since 2008, down from a high of almost $8 million to its current level of proximally $2 million.
- Retail and restaurant/bar revenues have increased steadily from $4 million to over $5 million during the same period
- Single and residential family permits have increased substantially during 2012
- Police expenditures consumed 46% of the operating fund of the town. The next largest consuming department is Development and Infrastructure Department at 14%
- Future revenue projections will assume a 2 to 3% growth in sales tax revenues and a 3 to 6% growth in state shared tax revenues
- Continued budget pressures will come from several sources including the increased demand for services and employee compensation and benefits increases
The presentation included the process for completing the budget:. it appears of the budget will be approved by May.
- The town will prepare revenue estimates in February, while department heads prepare their budget request
- The town manager and the town finance director will review the department budgets in March
- The town manager will submit the recommended budget on April 3
- Study sessions with town Council will occur in April 10 and 14
- Public hearings on the budget will occur in May
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