Exactly what does an SRO do?
Here is what we've learned:
The activities of a SRO encompass six areas. They act as:
- a visible, active law enforcement figure on campus dealing with any law related issues;
- a classroom resource for instruction;
- a member of the faculty and administration team, working to solve problems in the school community;
- a resource for the students and teachers which will enable them to be associated with a law-enforcement figure in the school environment;
- a resource to teachers, parents, and students for conferences on an individual basis; and
- a counseling resource in areas which may affect the education or home environment and may be of a law related nature
We can provide details that describe each one of these areas. They are too numerous to post them here. Please post a comment letting us know if you want more information on any area.
Exactly what does an SRO do on a day-to-day basis? Here's an example:
0720-0800 Assist crossing guards and monitor school traffic
0800-0830 Review daily activities; read and answer email
0830-0900 Prepare daily activities and lesson plans
0830-0900 Prepare daily activities and lesson plans
0900-0930 Tour school buildings and grounds
0930-1030 Teach classes at lower grade level
1030-1130 Teach classes at upper grade levels
1130-1145 Tour buildings and grounds
1145-1230 Assist on school grounds as needed
1230-1300 Lunch
1300-1330 Tour of buildings and grounds
1330-1400 Prepare for next day activities
1400-1500 Assist crossing guards with access to and from school; monitor traffic on adjacent streets to school
0930-1030 Teach classes at lower grade level
1030-1130 Teach classes at upper grade levels
1130-1145 Tour buildings and grounds
1145-1230 Assist on school grounds as needed
1230-1300 Lunch
1300-1330 Tour of buildings and grounds
1330-1400 Prepare for next day activities
1400-1500 Assist crossing guards with access to and from school; monitor traffic on adjacent streets to school
Exactly what does and SRO do when school is out?
During summer months when there is no activity at their assigned schools, the SRO is assigned other duties such as vacation relief for other officers. The SRO will also work any vacant positions. They also take this opportunity to complete mandatory training and take their own vacations.
During summer months when there is no activity at their assigned schools, the SRO is assigned other duties such as vacation relief for other officers. The SRO will also work any vacant positions. They also take this opportunity to complete mandatory training and take their own vacations.
I would like to see copies of the "lesson plans" the SRO's have created.
So these activities include 3 hours and ten minutes of walking around the school or helping out as a crossing guard, and an hour and a half of "preparation and review" and checking e-mail. That is 4 hours and 40 minutes out of a 6 hour and 10 minute day (30 minutes subtracted for lunch.) This is worth $700,000 a year? I DON'T THINK SO!
Again, I do not think the entire 700K is for the SROs.
The blog master should clarify.
2nd notice.
Greetings Nombe,
I plan to post a piece on one of the SRO's school courses next week. After that, we will discuss the cost of this program.
I would hope that the recent events in Connecticut shed some positive light on the value of SRO's. I don't know that the event could have been completely avoided, however I strongly believe that the impact would have been greatly lessened.
I hope we take a moment or two and send positive thoughts to those families who have been ripped apart by this tragedy.
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