Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Guess Who Unabashedly Endorses A "YES" Vote For The Naranja Bond???

Recognize the moustache? How about the shirt?

The "Vote Yes" folks held a march on Sunday morning Oct. 5. Well. look who joined them. (See photo below)

None other than "citizen" Paul Loomis, proudly wearing his OFFICIAL TOWN OF ORO VALLEY SHIRT.





Zev Cywan said...

Loomis is a self-centered mealy-headed dolt! Does anyone out there really think that he wants the park for anything other than his ego and friends? Does HE care about the kids? Does HE care about adult sports? Does HE care about others' increasing expenses? NO, he cares only about his position of being 'seen'.

Got news for you, Mr. Loomis, not too many people give a hoot about you anymore! Your self-adulation has been exposed and has thus made you, for the most part, irrelevant.

mscoyote said...

I recall some controversy during the town council elections when some candidates wore their OV town shirts and had literature with the town logo on their flyers, etc
So why is this ok
This is a bond election and the mayor
is endorsing a property tax while
wearing an Official town shirt
Sounds like the mayor needs some ethical standards

cyclone1 said...

Hate to point this out, but isn't that Barry Gillaspie on the far left? I nkow he's not wearing at Town shirt, but should we be singling the Mayor out without identifying everyone in the picture?

Zev Cywan said...

cyclone - though we may sometimes disagree, my experiences and interactions with Barry Gillaspie have been honest and respectful; my experiences with Mayor Loomis have not. Barry truly cares more about the community than his own self; it is my experience and observation that the Mayor puts himself over and above the community. As to the original post, it seems that the Mayor was singled out because of the writer's observation relative to the "official Town of Oro Valley" shirt as well as the use of a publicly paid police officer working traffic control for a privately sponsored 'walk'. Was this a legitimate calling? I do not know.

artmarth said...

Hi Cyclone--- You are correct. I hadn't noticed that Mr. Gillaspie---who, by the way desired to fund the park at $160 million is at the opposite end of the photo.

Additionally, although not surprisingly, Don Cox is rubbing elbows with Loomis in the photo.

The only other person I recognize is Nancy Martin who help coordinate the event.

Would,'t it have been prudent of Mayor Loomis to find another shirt other than one with the Oro Valley logo?

How smart was Loomis to even be photographed in this garb with PAC members advocating a "yes" vote in an upcoming contentious election?

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Who wants to run for Mayor?

Hizzoner for life Paul Looney Tunes Loomis must be removed.

We, the citizens of Oro Valley deserve much better.

He is not competent to lead a mature town.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

And, shame on both Gillaspie and Loomis for participating in a political rally.

The are council members. They represent all the people.

If we held a No On Naranja rally, wouldn't they be required to show up? Don' think so.

Our elected officials must act with integrity and honor and act on behalf of all of us.

cyclone1 said...

Zee Man-

They must act with integrity and on behalf of all of us when they are on the dias. But I don't recall anything about members of Council having to check their First Amendment rights at the door when they were elected. They are residents of the Town and will cast their votes as such in November. If they want to exercise their rights to participate in a rally as a tax paying resident of the Town - so be it!

cyclone1 said...

I like to add that no one seems upset that KC is putting "Voe No" signs up all over Town. Same thing isn't it?

Fear the Turtle said...

The headline under this picture should be "Let them eat cake".

The "Parade" was a flop and the arrogance on the part of our elected officials is stunning. These people are selfish and clueless. Even before our economy crumbled this Park was a joke, now to even put it up for vote is just plain stupid.

I have talked to many people over the past week and people are really getting angry over this issue, and anyone connected to it. I've never talked to so many angry people.

As far as our town hall goes how many employees connected to this bond are residents of Oro Valley? Why are our town hall employees in favor of this bond?

OV Objective Thinker said...

And just to spread the wealth around, Paula Abbott also marched in the parade. So by my count the majority of the Council supports the Naranja Park.

And rumor has it that even one more Council member supports the naranja Park.

So where does that leave the LOVE'ers???

And I believe I can speak for all of the Naranja Park PAC members, supporters and all of those who participated in the very successful march. We do it for our community, not any special personal interest.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Ms. Coyote...I forgot to respond to your post. There is some statute about showing the Town logo in your personal campaign literature.

I don't think there is any dress code law for an issue march.

Zev Cywan said...

OV OT, yes, I 'did a number' on the Mayor in my opening post, but, as is evidenced by my latter comment, this was not intended to be a commentary on his right to an opinion. That you are introducing Ms. Abbott as taking part in the 'parade' or that it is rumored that another councilperson might be pro park, well, so what?

Frankly, for many reasons, I personally am against it; but, I do not hold it against anyone whomsoever to be of the opposite opinion. This IS a ballot measure which is open to differing opinions.

As a matter of fact, I observed Art, your personal nightmare (LOL), publicly embrace a person who is adamantly for the proposal; there was NO animosity, just affection and respect, from both to each other! As to your statement that you [speak for all of the supporters and that they ALL do it for the community], it was obvious from certain content within statements made at the last council meeting, that you are over the top in your assertion.

In the end, the vote will be the deciding opinion and whatever the conclusion, I will live with it.