Sunday, September 7, 2008

Increased Impact Fees Approved

Town Council established new development impact fees for parks and recreation, library, police, general government and transportation at last week's concil meeting.

Anyone notice that only Hizzoner the Mayah for Life, Paul Loomis, voted "No". Would have been two now votes except Al Kunisch was absent.

Everyone else said yes.


Zev Cywan said...

Mayor Loomis is out of touch with this community (as well as basic economics); reality escapes him (personal experience on that issue)! He will continue to hold
his contrary positions as long as he is in office but don't call him 'Mayah for Life'. He has abandoned the community and the community WILL abandom him!!! He manages to accomplish one thing though - hetting his mug in a lot of pictures; sure ruins the pic.

However, the good news is that, by the efforts of our newly elected council members, this Mayah is now a eunich and, as such, has
become a high pitched, out of tune, ex-choir member. Ha!

Nombe Watanabe said...

And people will PAY to attend the state of the city presentation??

Zev Cywan said...

nombe w

Isn't that just a kick? A select group of people including an organization to whom the Council said [no mo' money] is being addressed by a disemboweled mayor on the state of the city. Has someone slipped me some 'majic' mushrooms? Where's Alice?

And, regarding your prior post, nombe, I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, I lived in Raleigh, North Carolina, I have lived in Los Angeles (long time ago), I lived in Scottsdale, and I visit the D.C. area at least twice a year. Some of the people around here seem not to care that NO WAY HAS BEEN FOUND THAT NEGATES THE SCOURGE OF CREEPY TRAFFIC DUE TO THE OVERGROWTH OF ANY GIVEN AREA. Subways don't do it, light rail doesn't do it, 'rapid transit' doesn't do it, buses don't do it, car pooling doesn't do it, HOV lanes don't do it and a town with natural constraints CAN'T EVER DO IT! And WHEREVER I have lived the high and the mighty just don't give a 'you know what'.

Zev Cywan said...

Back to the subject matter of this post - finally it seems that we have Council that has had it with the tail wagging the dog - good going Council!!!

OV Objective Thinker said...

Zev....How and in what way do your initial remarks either relate to the fees or promote civil discourse. I find your personal attacks on the Mayor to be something that you have chided others for in the past and below you.

I am not sure there are any beauty pagent trophies on your mantle!!! :-)

Now to the impact fees issue. This was one of the more ignorant (lacking knowledge or experience) votes I have seen from any Oro Valley Town Council. The Beztek vote is close. Not only do we not need the revenue at this time or in the projected future, but during an economic downturn is not the time to increase the financial burden on those who are in a position to provide you with income. There is no logical explanation for this anti-business decision.

But then what can you expect from an air traffic controller, a research analyst and a person whos only knowledge base is whether there are bumps on the pavement.

This was not a good decision!!!

Zev Cywan said...


You are right in that my initial statement did not relate to the original post and I acknowledged this (or thought I did) in a subsequent note in this stream.

As to my comments regarding the mayor, they were TONGUE IN CHEEK relative to his POSITION in the TOWN and NOT intended to be PERSONAL! However, aren't YOUR comments relative to three of the councilmembers' qualifications a
a bit petty, in fact, and definitively PERSONAL?

OV OT, you are right in that I "have no beauty pageant trophys on my mantel"; you are wrong in inferring that I was referencing the mayors 'looks' within my statement - just exercising some poetic license.

I would like to add that, through
all the muck, I appreciate most of the commentary here even though I might disagree with some of it. And, even though some of us might utilize a few characterizations in a seemingly 'negative', manner, for the most part this blog site has a much higher degree of civility than in times past.