Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Town Council Chambers
11,000 La Canada Drive
4:00 PM ~ Golf Study Session
Open to the Public
Presentations by Town Manager, Mary Jacobs and Troon President, Rob DeMore. Also a possible discussion by the mayor and council regarding the future of the Community Center and golf courses.
6:00 PM ~Town Council Regular Session
Pay special attention to:
Consent Agenda, Item E
Resolution…with regard to the approximate 934 acres of State Land (Tangerine South and Tangerine North) the Town intends to pursue annexation, and does not have nor does it intend to adopt, regulations requiring the fencing of open range livestock grazing or prohibiting mining on State Land annexed into the Town.”
The Town claims that this is “a standard formality related to livestock grazing and mining” and that the “Town Staff does not anticipate either of these activities to actually occur on these two parcels.”
You can view the agenda HERE