Oro Valley reaches to annex lands of former resident
Reader Glenn Davis wrote to tell us that he sees Oro Valley growth avarice on the move. Glenn wrote us:
"We moved from Oro Valley due to the shenanigans of the town council and now here they come wanting to annex our neighborhood. We want nothing to do with Oro Valley, I drive out of my way just so I don't have to pay their sales tax to support their failed endeavors.
Glenn submitted the following to the local advertising circular:
"Oro Valley Town Council is continuing their efforts to pave or develop every piece of land whether it falls within the town or not. The latest land grab is 800+ acres of State Trust land at Thornydale/Moore/Coyote Crossing and the block South of Tangerine for a "master planned" community. Another is the wash between Oro Valley Hospital and Safeway. This land is used by a lot of us for recreation as it was intended. We moved to the NW for the open desert lifestyle. The town gets a one time developer fee for doing this with no other revenue after that other than their increased sales taxes and bond measures to cover their fiscal irresponsibility.
If you oppose these developments please attend the public meetings on Aug 2 and 21 at Casas Church 6 pm. Visit savethecactus.org for more information and updates."
Seems to us that this is an important meeting, something to which we should pay attention.
A familiar sound: City of Tucson considers downsizing municipal golf
The City of Tucson operates 4 municipal golf courses. Collectively, they lose money and are thus subsidized by the citizens. Sound familiar? Well, we reported on this years ago when we urged the Oro Valley Town Council not to purchase what has been and will continue to be a citizen subsidized golf course venture to support the golfing pleasure of 200 or so members.
Arizona Daily Star sports columnist Greg Hansen reported that the city is considering options to "right size" its four golf courses. Sound familiar? That's what the consultant's report to the Oro Valley Town Council recommended, as we reported last week.
Now, the Oro Valley Town Council, the same people who raised your sales tax to subsidize this golf disaster want more from you. They want you to approve a property tax to pay for ball fields because this council foolishly threw away your money on this crazy golf venture. Their request reminds us of the "child who killed his parents and then threw himself on the mercy of the court because he was an orphan."
And, it also reminds of the lyrics to a song by the group, The WHO:
"Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again"
Lambert-LaCanada Road work postponed due to weather forecast
Oro Valley, Arizona (August 2, 2017) – The previously scheduled median grading and paving work at Lambert Lane and La CaƱada Drive has been postponed due to this weekend’s weather forecast. (Originally, severe lane restrictions were going to be in place August 4 – 7, 2017 while the work was performed.) A new date has not yet been selected for this portion of the project. The Town will issue a Traffic Alert when that information becomes available.
(Source: Town Of Oro Valley Press Release)
Savethecactus.org Fights Oro ValleyAnnexation
We have previously reported, and will continue to follow, the saga of some Pima County property owners faced with ("bleak") possibility of having state lands adjacent to their properties, annexed by Oro Valley. With that, they fear, rightfully so, that the land will then be used to build track homes or other development. Watch their saga in this KVOA report.