Bill Rodman is a former Oro Valley Planning & Zoning Commissioner (2012-2015) who is hoping to unseat one of the incumbents (Brendan Burns, Bill Garner, Mike Zinkin) on the Oro Valley Town Council. What does Bill Rodman bring to the table?
Rodman’s views on the golf course
When Rodman was asked by two local newspapers how he would handle the financial problems of the Community Center golf courses, he responded:
- “Provide the oversight necessary to make sure that we’re analyzing it properly.”
- “If at some point the expenses continue to outstrip the revenues…the golf courses can be closed, partially closed, leased or sold to a third party, and/or made open space.”
Secondly, Councilmembers Burns, Garner, and Zinkin have already proposed closing or partially closing the golf courses, they’ve proposed leasing one course back to the Hilton (which is allowed per the existing contract), they’ve proposed looking for private entities to lease the other 18-hole course, and they’ve proposed turning one or more courses into a linear natural greenway/park. These are the exact same solutions that Rodman is now proposing.
Isn’t it interesting that the Majority-4 are endorsing Rodman when his “ideas” are to simply replicate what Burns-Garner-Zinkin have already been doing or suggesting all along?
Rodman also stated at the August 10th Candidate Forum that the council shouldn’t make any decisions on the golf courses because, “I believe there is a 5-year plan.” Is Rodman aware that Troon’s own forecast continues to show expected losses of $1.4 million dollars in year-five? Can we even trust that figure when the first year was expected to lose $1.5 million and it actually lost $2.4 million? That forecast was off by almost $1 million dollars!
Rodman’s voting record on Planning & Zoning
On Rodman’s Facebook page, he states: “I spent 4 years on Oro Valley’s Planning & Zoning Commission, serving as Chair, advising the town on how to manage growth and make good decisions.”
Below is a sample of the items that Bill Rodman approved while on P&Z. Is this your idea of managed growth and good decision making?
- Increased building heights at Linda Vista and Oracle (El Corredor) within the Oracle Rd. Scenic Corridor District (obstructing mountain views)
- General Plan Amendment, ESL Amendment, and Rezoning for a 5-story retirement community (Nakoma Sky) on 79.5 acres at 1st Ave. and Naranja
- Increased illuminated window signs for businesses
- CUP for a Fry’s gas station at 1st Ave. and Oracle Rd.
- Rezoning of the 39-acre Olsen property from R1-144 to Planned Area Development
- LaCholla Major rezoning, convert 45 acres from R1-144 to R1-7 at LaCholla and Naranja
- Amended zoning code to allow property owners to grade right up to the adjacent property
- Rezoning 149 acres at Tangerine and First Ave. from R1-144 to MDR and commercial
- CUP for U-Haul business at Ace Hardware on First and Tangerine
- Rezoned NE corner of Tangerine and LaCholla from R1-144 to Commercial and NCO
- Major General Plan Amendment of Olsen property from LDR and open space to MDR
- Major General Plan Amendment of Miller Ranch from LDR to MDR
- Rezoned 13 acres at NE corner of Linda Vista and Oracle (El Corredor) to HDR (The Canyons Apts.)
- Major General Plan Amendment for NE corner Tangerine and LaCholla from LDR to NCO
A vote for Rodman (as well as Pina and Solomon) will result in an abundance of 7-0 votes on council with no discussion or debate, no adherence to the voter-approved General Plan, more rezonings to appease greedy developers, and millions of dollars in continued golf losses.
Diane Peters
Oro Valley Resident
This article was submitted directly to us by Diane. She also submitted it to the Arizona Daily Independent where it was published last week. We publish it here to insure complete coverage of this election.