Zinkin Nails It...Takes The High Ground.. Makes Clear Case
Council Member Mike Zinkin set the record straight regarding the El Conquistador Country Club purchase during an interview with Garrett Lewis of KNST yesterday. Unlike Mayor Hiremath's interview the prior week, Zinkin was respectful and focused on the issues. You can listen to the interview below.
Oro Valley Council Member Brendan Burns has done a "quick and dirty" analysis of what the Oro Valley half-percent sales tax increase means to those who love in Oro Valley.
Burns has a special feeling for those in our community who are financially less fortunate. He brings the very important perspective to our town council.
"I am a numbers guy and prefer to focus my debate on this topic. I like to personalize the discussion as much as possible. I discussed the below today but I am not sure if it will be edited out.
The sales tax will cost every citizen $34.15 per year (1.4M diivded by 41,000 residents) (2M accounting for the 30% not paid by residents per Hiremath).
For a family of 5 that is $171 per year.
I also emphasized how this is the second time Hiremath raised taxes. The utility tax will cost $37 per person. (1.5M divided by 41,000). $183 per family of 5.
The total cost to a family of 5 is $354 per year. This is not a small number and significantly impacts families and those on a fixed income. For instance, 24% of CDO students are on reduced or free lunch, 22% in Copper Creek.
If you are struggling to feed your family, $354 per year is a significant amount.
Council "Borrows" $1.2 Million from General Fund To Fund Golf Course Losses
Wednesday. the Oro Valley Town Council voted 4-0 (with 3 abstentions) to transfer $1.2 million from the contingency reserve to a fund to pay for some of the refurbishment of the El Conquistador Country Club ($760,000) and to fund golf course losses from March through June ($440,000). The amount would be "repaid" over 10 years with no interest.
3 residents who live on the golf course, Majority-4 supporters (Lyra Done and Dick Johnson), spoke on how great the golf course is.
However, not all residents are happy. Not all live on the golf course. Not all play golf. But all are paying. One of our readers sent us a semi-handwritten summary (left) of the financial impact of the El Conquistador Country Club purchase.
"More Taxes... Less Reserves".. a direction that individual does not like.
Council Member Zinkin asked how long "we are going to drain the contingency fund. We don't even own this thing and you want $1.2 million. I'm not going to give you a penny until I see the purchase agreement. We don't own it so what are we don't this tonight?
The "Don't Sign" Sign
Another of our readers sent us this photo of the "Don't Sign" sign that appeared Oro Valley.
They also mentioned that one of the well know supporters of the Majority-4, Richard Tracy, was wearing a shirt with the same words at this past Wednesday's Oro Valley Town Council Meeting.
Oh. Then angst, the discord, and the anger that the purchase of the El Conquistador Country Club has caused.
The lack of a public vote on it, has wrought a recall referendum Oro Valley.
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