Shannon Road Partners and Roberta J. and Dale G. Manning have withdrawn their general plan amendment request for 77 acres located south of Ironwood Ridge High School on the east side of Shannon Road. The land designation is rural low density residential and significant resource area. The request was to designate it low density residential, medium density residential and urban services boundary.
"Please note that the applicant may resubmit at some point in the future. If an application is received, neighbors will be notified consistent with Town noticing procedures and additional neighborhood meetings and public hearings will be required."
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact town planner Matt Michaels @ mmichels@orovalleyaz.gov or (520) 229-4822. (Source)
Rents Highest In Oro Valley
"Rents were highest in the Oro Valley/Catalina submarket, at an average of $838 per unit, and the lowest average per unit of $512 was registered in the South Tucson/Airport area." This from a recently released report by commercial realtors Cushman & Wakefield.
"Cushman & Wakefield analysts associated the slight rental gains of the past years with the lack of job growth within the region, and they expect minimal growth until significant hiring occurs in the market." (Source)
Four Arrested For Shoplifting and Credit Card Theft at Kohls
Oro Valley Police Officers arrested two male and two female suspects inside Kohl's for shoplifting. More than $1,200 of stolen merchandise was taken. During the investigation a large quantity of identification cards from Arizona and Illinois were located belonging to numerous victims, along with blank checks and stolen credit cards. (Source: Oro Valley Police Department press release)
Oro Valley Police Assert That HiVE Works
"While the [accident] cases at Oracle and Magee are the highest, Oro Valley Police say the data shows a 4.5 percent drop since traffic officers began enforcing its high visibility enforcement, or HiVE, patrols in 2012. Injury-related accidents also dropped by 50 percent in the last year, police said." (Source)
The focus of the HiVE activity is on Oracle between Suffolk Road and Magee.
The data to which the police refer are they town's latest crime statistics. Most traffic accidents in the second quarter of this year involve Oracle Road.
So, please do slow down and drive patiently on Oracle Road.
Riverfront Park Fields Closed For Over-Seeding
For the first time in many years, The Town Of Oro Valley has over-seeded the soccer fields at Riverfront Park. Finally, Oro Valley will look beautiful to our winter visitors.
The fields will reopen for use October 19.
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