Do we have your attention? Not yet?
Three of these requests require an amendment to the 2005 General Plan. 2 others require a change in planned areas development (PAD) agreements.
Now, do we have your attention?
Here's a link for you to view a list of all requests and projects.
Do you feel you should not be involved because it none of these projects are in your backyard?
If so, you are making a huge mistake. Oro Valley is your backyard. Be aware. Get involved. Or be prepared to suffer the consequences.
It is easy to get involved. All that is takes is some of your time.
All Oro Valley residents have ample opportunity to get involved in the review and approval process for each of these 5 requests.
There are at least 6 opportunities for involvement in each request. The first two opportunities occur in neighborhood meetings. For example, we've listed 2 neighborhood meetings that are taking place soon. One is tonight. The other neighborhood meeting is a week from tonight. The next 2 occur if the developer moves forward. These would be hearings before the Planning and Zoning Commission. The last 2 opportunities occur in hearings before the Oro Valley Town Council.
Here's an example of what being involved means.
Ruralshannon.org is focussed on one of the general plan amendment requests, the "Manning Property" (South of Ironwood Ridge). The requests is to allow almost 300 homes in a area where only 23 could no be built given the rural land use general plan designation. The site is an example of how a community can mobilize to be involved in the request process.
Another example is "Citizen Advocates of the Oro Valley General Plan."
"We believe that the developer's intent for the parcels on LaCholla from Glover to Lambert does not match the Vision, Goals, and Policies of the General Plan. Additionally, it should be hard to amend the General Plan because it's the only town document that citizens have ratified. We approved it. We voted on it. To this end, we are currently in negotiations with the developer (The WLB Group) and the Town of Oro Valley."This amendment involves more than 300 acres. Working together, this group has been able to encourage changes to the originally-filed request.
There are other groups formed to consider other requests. We'll let you know more about them as we learn more.
Being involved gives you the opportunity to shape the future. Not being involved gives you the opportunity to be shaped by the future.
One wonders how many of the "Citizen Advocates of the OV General Plan"
voted for the pro-helter-skelter development mayor and his henchmen?
This process in OV is just sad. The Olson property development off Moore Road had its last Neighborhood meeting 10/22. It's one of the first big applications for development changes in a long wave of requests in the works.
Although LOVE predicted a big council turn-out, not one showed. The applicant, their lawyer and town planners were there. Several concerns were voiced by the community which was documented by the planners.
Where when these concerns get aired, when are they going to be addressed. Did we have this "neighborhood" meeting for a reason, check the box, or was something suppose to come out of it. When are the concerns to be addressed by the town and applicant. Ever? This is rapidly flying to the city council for a final Zoning change vote.
The people who live right next to this development on Yellow Orchid Drive (many have lived there for over a decade) want answers. The applicant plans to build right behind them.
The plan is to put 2 story homes scattered throughout which will block the natural hill area behind and obstruct views Pusch Ridge. What happened to the basic issues in the General Plan about maintaining "Quality of Life". These homeowners have been there for over a decade. How did the planners, P&Z commission and the council ever approve the GP revision in the first place.
There isn't much land left in OV to development. Make what left quality development if it must change instead of a bunch of sardine sized lots, large 2 story homes, packed right on top of existing homes.
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