Is Mayor Hiremath Aloof?
We got the following email this week from one of our readers.
"Just wanted to share a funny/sad Hiremath story. My husband and I ate brunch at Saffron this Sunday and one of the servers started talking to us on a personal level. At one point he said Hiremath comes in about every other week to eat. He also said he hasn't paid once for a meal nor has he ever left a tip. To quote the server, "He's more like, now be gone with you," after he gets his food. Sad, sad."
You can't make this stuff up!
CVS Opens
CVS opened in San Dorado this week. Its big. Its full of merchandise. Every employee had a welcoming smile for us, The only problem we encountered was the left turn light cycle into San Dorado from Oracle (going southbound). It wasn't working when were there. Otherwise, things were fine.
Something To Ponder
It has taken less time for the entire La Posada development to be built than it has for Whole Oats to complete the remodel of its Oracle and Ina Store.
May's HiVE Deployments Announced
The Oro Valley Police Department with the support of the Pima County Sherriff's department will conduct high visibility enforcement on Oracle Road from Magee to Suffolk Road on the following:
- May 7, 2014: 4 - 7 p.m.
- May 13, 2014: 7 - 10 a.m.
- May 14, 2014: 4 - 7 p.m.
- May 22, 2014: 7 - 10 a.m.
- May 27, 2014: 4 - 7 p.m.
(Source: Oro Valley Police Department press release)
---The Oro Valley Police Department asking for public's assistance in identifying shoplifting suspect
Oro Valley, Ariz. (April 29, 2014) - The Oro Valley Police Department (OVPD) is seeking the public's help in identifying a shoplifter in our community.
On April 12 and April 19, 2014, a male suspect entered the GNC store at 2060 East Tangerine in Oro Valley and stole several containers of weight-lifting supplements. The items stolen were valued at approximately $900.
The suspect is described as a male in his mid-twenties, medium build, with a goatee. He was wearing a Detroit Tigers baseball cap and a blue, plaid button-up shirt. If you know the identity of this person, you are asked to call 911, 88-crime or (520) 229-4900.
(Source: Oro Valley Police Department press release)
Oro Valley Police Department asking for the public's assistance in fraud case
Oro Valley, Ariz. (April 28, 2014) - The Oro Valley Police Department (OVPD) is asking for the public's assistance in identifying a person of interest in a fraud.
On April 3, 2014, several credit cards were stolen from one locker broken into at Platinum Fitness in Oro Valley. Prior to the credit cards being cancelled, an unidentified male charged over $10,000 worth of items on the victim's credit cards. The person of interest is described as a white male with red hair, who appears to be in his early 40's. A store surveillance photo shows him wearing a blue dress shirt with a striped tie, black slacks and black dress shoes. If anyone knows the identity of this person, you are asked to call 911, 88-crime or (520) 229-4900.
(Source: Oro Valley Police Department press release)
Hiremath isn't aloof. He's superior. That's why everyone is beneath him. Since the server's know that he NEVER tips, they should leave a little something for him in his meal. I'm sure someone has already done this. This is just another example of Hiremath not being very bright. He thinks he can look down on people and there won't be any consequences.
Regarding Whole Foods, we stopped at the store on the East Side about two months ago and asked why it was taking so long for the Oracle Road store to open. We were told that they stopped construction in December because they didn't want to open in the spring/summer when many residents leave town. She said they planned to open in September. That didn't make sense to us since it's still hot in September and the snowbirds tend to arrive in November. But we noticed that construction began again a few weeks ago.
I've never known a retailer to not understand the market in which they are opening. There's lots of summer business. Besides, a retailer can't make money if the store isn't open.
If he's not paying for his meals, why do they keep serving him? Or are WE paying for them?
Next time he dines at this restaurant I suggest that the waitperson make sure that there is a bill on the table prior to his departure. If he leaves without paying, I suggest that they call the OV Police and report him. I also would guess that this type of behavior would be counter to the NEW code of conduct expected of an elected official. If so, maybe the town Manager will have to speak with him.
Hiremath's dining habit is similar to the "Chicago Way" of doing business. I think it's a violation of ethics, and he should be reprimanded if true.
I was told that he is getting free meals from this restaurant.
What restaurant is this? We have two choices. We can demand equal treatment, free meals, or we can not support them until HE gets equal treatment, pays for his meals.
I assumed he wasn't paying for his meals because the owner of the restaurant offered him free meals. Even so, he should still tip based on whatever his meal would have cost. He has no social skills. And I suspect that the free meals means unwavering support from Hiremath whenever this restaurant owner wants something from the town.
About the Mayor...maybe true maybe not but why print anonymous gossip? Don't turn this blog into the National Enquirer
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