Now it is over. Hopefully the editorializing by those who supported the recall will end. We need to move on and attempt to govern Oro Valley. There is no doubt it might be difficult as all the recall supporters are up for re-election. We need to try to get past the emotions, the preconceived notions, and the prejudices.
We need to think of what is best for Oro Valley, its Citizens, its businesses, and its future. The budget time is near, and, without any new revenue streams, we need to allocate our resources in such a manner that we get every “bang for every buck”. We cannot continue without knowing what every program costs, not just police programs, but every program. There could be programs that the Council might decide to increase, decrease, or cut.
Whatever happens in the future, it will be the majority of Council that decides. Let's hope those decisions are based on empirical evidence, and facts. Let's hope that the Council can now decide to work as a unit and not "we/they". All seven of us might have to swallow a little pride, but if the end result benefits the majority of citizens...it will be well worth it.
Thank you LOVE..now let's go EXCEL."
Mike Zinkin
Oro Valley Citizen
Oro Valley Town Council Member
Mike is right... it is time to let Oro Valley Excel
NO. It is not over. I will not be over until we have replaced the entire town council with individuals who will provide proper oversight to the various departments of town government.
That includes the police department.
The Limelighters votes will never be based on empirical evidence and facts. Their votes are based on:
EMOTION: I like you or I don't like you.
RETURNING FAVORS: I was endorsed by the OVPD, the Chamber of Commerce, the OV business community, builders' assocations, etc.. I'll do whatever they want. See "Emotion" above.
ANECDOTAL "EVIDENCE": I'll take your word that your sales increased when you used an A-frame sign. I don't need to see your sales receipts from before and after as proof. See "Returning Favors" above.
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