In January, we sent an email to our mailing list informing list members of the political nature of the Zinkin recall effort. In that email, we identified Mayor Hiremath and Council Members Hornat and Snider as leading the recall effort. We observed that this information was "important to them" so that they could make an informed decision regarding signing the recall petition.
The email found its way to 5 key members of the recall cabal. One of these members, an individual whom we had not previously included as a member of the recall effort, is Council Member Lou Waters.
We did not include Waters as a member of the recall group because, during an interview with Council Member Zinkin, we were told that Council Member Waters had specifically told Zinkin that he was not involved in the recall effort.
So much for "feigning innocence." Et tu Brute!
On Saturday January 4 at 10:53 am Council Member Waters penned an email to Mayor Hiremath, Council Members Snider and Hornat, and Planning and Zoning Commissioner Don Cox. Waters refers to the LOVE email and then offers advice on how to "position" the recall cabal's response:
"Notice the lead ''of personal importance to you,' Waters writes. "It's what I suggest in all of our counter moves - making it matter "to you". I have no illusion the LOVE blog will do that. It will be all politics as the rest of the email illustrates. But we must get on ground level and actually NOT make it about politics, however and whenever we can. The most aware folks in the community know what's going on. They're not stupid. We need to motivate them."It is disappointing to learn that Council Member Waters had participated in this regretful recall attempt. He is the most quiet of all council members. To have told Zinkin one thing and then acted in an opposite manner is reprehensible on his part.
We discovered this email among thousands of others based on an information request we made in January. We write about it now, after the recall submission date and passed, to complete the record. It is part of Oro Valley's history; though a sad chapter it is.
Waters is duplicitous? I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you. After observing him on council for the past few years, it's clear that he has no backbone.
He rarely participates in discussions unless someone says something that affects him PERSONALLY, namely anything having to do with his role as liaison to the DRB (now the CDRB). He's always quick to defend himself in that role (eg. the Gil Alexander hearing.) At this week's meeting, he did it again, pointing out that he was insulted when a developer claimed that the CDRB did not do its job in reviewing his plans. Waters carried on about how HE interviewed and chose the people on that board and how dare anyone claim that HE may not have chosen the best people. It's all about HIM!
He always looks bored at these meetings and about to fall asleep. That is, until he feels some perceived insult. Then he comes to life.
Can we say, 'showboat'?
Background as a journalist, I doubt that he has the capacity to respond in any other manner. My USG PIO experience tells me he is probably no worse than the rest of the self-serving council membership who have demonstrated their appetite to destroy anyone with differing opinions than their own.
His reference that "his" supporters as the only motivated people in the community further demonstrates his audacious self-serving politician mindset. eg: the rest of us underlings do not have a clue.
Kudos to Let Oro Valley Excel. During the recall petition drive, Richard did an excellent job publishing items of personal importance to us. Richard never made it about politics.
Mr. Waters may not realize it, but he could have been paying LOVE readers a compliment. "The most aware folks in the community know what's going on. They're not stupid."
As 4 council members are involved, is this email a violation of the open meeting law?
The Mayor commented regarding Richard's call-to-the audience presentation at the Feb. 19 council meeting. Is this a violation of a state law?
Do the Mayor and his allies consider themselves above the law, and have their own set of ethics?
Snider makes Waters look like an amateur when it comes to showboating.
They obviously consider themselves to be above the law since they are ALWAYS violating state laws. They frequently violate open meeting laws including releasing information from Executive Sessions which is supposed to be CONFIDENTIAL. Waters also violated state law by using Town resources (his town e-mail) for electioneering purposes when he sent the e-mail about the planning strategy for the recall.
As council members who have been in office for 4 years, there is no excuse for this behavior. They've had 4 years to learn the laws that apply to their roles as council members. So...they are either all TOO STUPID to understand the law and follow the law, or TOO LAZY to take the time to learn it.
If it's not that and they actually DO know the law, then their behavior is deliberate and calculated. Either way, these people are not fit to serve!
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