Pima County will acquire 800 acres of state land, increasing the size of Tortiita Mountain Park. The park is a natural open space. (Source)
Oro Valley Resident Was Allegiant Air's 5 MIllion's Passenger
"On 30 July Allegiant Air celebrated its five millionth passenger (Marni Allen of Oro Valley) at its third biggest base of Phoenix/Mesa Gateway Airport in Arizona. " (Source)
Town Seeks Board and Commission Applicants
The Town of Oro Valley is currently accepting applications from local citizens who are interested in serving on a Board or Commission. Appointments start on January 1, 2014. Terms of office require that members be residents of the Town, be available to attend the designated meetings, and be committed to the completion of the Town’s Community Academy within their term.
Residents who are interested in applying for any of the following positions can contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 229-4700, or download the Volunteer Application from the Town Clerk’s webpage under Boards and Commissions at www.orovalleyaz.gov. Deadline to apply is November 1, 2013.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB) has one (1) open position that serves a two-year term. The PRAB acts in an advisory capacity to the Town Council in matters pertaining to parks, recreation, park design, open space and trail use. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. at Town Hall, 11000 N. La Cañada Drive, Oro Valley.
Planning and Zoning Commission
The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) has two (2) open positions that serve two-year terms. The PZC holds public meetings and makes recommendations to the Town Council on all matters relating to the creation of zoning districts, the enforcement of zoning regulations, amendments to all zoning ordinances and any other matter within the scope of the zoning power. The Planning and Zoning Commission meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. at Town Hall, 11000 N. La Cañada Drive, Oro Valley.
Water Utility Commission
The Water Utility Commission (WUC) has two (2) open positions that serve a three-year term. The WUC acts as the official advisory body on Water Capital Improvement Program planning and rate structure formulation to the Town Council, in conjunction with submitting proposals to the Capital Improvement Program and other related tasks. The Water Utility Commission meets on the second Monday of every month at 6 p.m. at Town Hall, 11000 N. La Cañada Drive, Oro Valley. (Source: Oro Valley Press Release)
No HIVE Deployments In October
Due to training conflicts, the Oro Valley Police Department will not conduct any high enforcement activities between on Oracle MaGee and Suffolk Road in October (Source: OVPD Media Release)
Voice Your Thinking
Town Of Oro Valley would like to know what you think. Tell then what's important tto you at YourVoiceOV.com This is part of Oro Valley's 2015 General Plan update process. (Source: Oro Valley Press Release)
OVPD Hosts National Night Out Tonight At Target
Tonight, from 6 to 9 p.m., the Oro Valley Police Department, in partnership with Target Corporation, will host its annual National Night Out event at the Oro Valley Target Store, 10555 N. Oracle Road. There will be exhibits and demonstrations along with music, prizes and food. Parents and children will learn about safety in regard to fire, water, internet, poison, drugs and much more. Since 1983, this special crime prevention event has been held by communities across the United States and Canada, with more than 36 million participants since its inception. (Source: OVPD Press Release)
1 comment:
Voice Your Thinking
Town Of Oro Valley would like to know what you think. Tell then what's important tto you at YourVoiceOV.com This is part of Oro Valley's 2015 General Plan update process. (Source: Oro Valley Press Release)
Hummm. I wonder what I could post?
No, too easy.
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