Funds available in the Oro Valley contingency fund have varied over time (See chart) The fund currently sits at a level of about $9 million. Its target level, by town rule, is 25% of the town's operating budget, not including any funding of the operating budget that may come from the contingency fund. This year's operating budget is $26.8 million. The town required funding level is $6.8 million. So, the fund balance is well over town required funding levels.
You can imagine that these fund should be used for extraordinary measures: Threats to public health and safety being the primary focus. This is not the case. Historically, this fund has been used for ongoing expenditures and "special investments":
- $1.05 Million was used in 2011 for Energy efficiency upgrades
- $410,000 was used in 2010 for Steam Pump Ranch
- $600,000 was used in 2009 and 2010 for services related to Arroyo Grande
This year, $300,000 was used to fund the town's new health care self-insurance fund. $524,000 was invested in the Oro Valley Aquatic Center construction cost overrun. (Our Report)
Does using $2.1 million the contingency funds to pay for the under-grounding of TEP wires constitute a reasonable use of such funds in light of the funds purpose and its historical use?
Tonight at 6PM in council chambers is your opportunity to give your opinion to Town Council. They are looking for your input at this special session. It's your chance to let them know how you feel. Don't pass up the opportunity.
I think the utility lines will take care of themselves when the road is redone. (if we can wait, a long time)
I think there is a major improvement project scheduled for 2024 or so. All the money we spend now would be wasted.
PS I still hate spending money on Steam Pump Ranch. Waste of money IMHO. What we need in this town is a bar that opens before noon. With some good music. Steam Pump Ranch would be a good place and a good name for a bar.
Why just 'before noon?' Why not 'before dawn?'
Pay for TEP to underground their power lines is an absolute Joke. It is well know that maitenance on underground lines is far less expensive that on overhead lines. TEP know this and is plying the Council. They did the same thing when the Hospital was built. They extorted funds from the town to bury the lines. funny thing is TEP helped craft the ordinance requiring the power ines be buried. All developers have to comply on their projects. Why not TEP...Because they do not want to pay the upfront costs.
Christopher Fox is the type of citizen we need here in the OV!!
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